3 and a half days of preparations

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For this local pageant thing we decided to organize for the New Year's celebration in our provincial community.

Seriously, I didn't think we'd really do it.

At first we were just kinda planning ( me, my older sister and a cousin [ actually an aunt but meh ] ) and all that, but then we found out that no one else was willing to organize a program so we went and did it.

We did ask for materials from the other people who usually set these kinds of programs up in order to complete the sashes for awards ( this is how it usually works for us, no kidding, nothing big ) and I was 'shining-shimmering' at the end of the process. We used glitters and ribbons lmao.

I decided to lay off on the internet for a while so I made a log instead. If you're not interested in my life ( which no one probably is interested in ), don't read it xDDD

Ok so the first day was cool enough. We went around during the morning hours looking for children from 6th grade and below who were willing to join this little pageant.

At first there were 2 potential candidates, but when we got to the reception hall ( which is now a cafeteria for the highschool where the programs are usually held ), they said they didn't want to join. So we were, like, "holy shit???"

But then this one girl with no eyebrows ( I'm serious, guys ) volunteered and we were sooo happy about that, then another one came. A 7-year old ( who iS SERIOUSLY TOO CUTE FOR YOUR IMPURE EYES ) and another ( whom I suspect has a serious case of ADHD ), and then we had three.

We asked them about their talents and sportswear to show off for a little bit and I was assigned to download shit for their music and all that. I was in charge of the sequencing and the technical work and crap. Also, for the doxology ( ironic af ) and the shadow play the other kids would do. We originally had 4, but something happened on the 3rd day ( which will be narrated in not-so-specific detail later on ) so now we subtract 1 from that number.

Then two more kids ( 11 and 9 year-olds ) enlisted sooo the 5 of 'em began to practice the dance for their production number. My older sister was put in charge.

We also put a 12-year-old's name on the list because my cousin knew she wanted to join these kinds of things, so we expected to have 6 by the next day and no more, no less.

We decided to meet up 8 in the morning the next day.

We got there at exactly 8, but the reception hall was closed ( we aren't allowed to hold the keys to the said room ) so we sat outside. It's an outdoor court so it's of concrete and the bleachers were fashioned with rocks and cement ( which is surprisingly very nice ). Two minutes after 8, the girl without eyebrows came and sat away from us ( she's quite shy because she's been in the city 'til now ) as she plugged her earphones on and started practicing her song for the talent portion ( which painfully reminds me of someone from the past who's feeding me her dust now ).

The ADHD kid came, along with one friend who also enlisted her name and then the old lady ( who pushes carts and carries vegetables whoa ) holding the key came and opened the reception hall for us.

Idk how the others came along, but by the end of morning, we had 8 contestants. YAY!

Going back to morning break, our aunt gave me money to buy snacks for everyone aaand we went up the road to get some kinda banana rolled in ummm the wrapper they use for spring rolls ( ??? ) and sugar, plus 2 bottles of 1.5 litre soda. Yes, I just described the food.

It was cool enough.

And the seven year old who is too cute for your impure eyes had smol, fluffy hands ( because she insisted I hold one while we walked, and I gave her a piggyback ride on the way back xDDD ) .

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