• 30-day challenge • day 3 •

30 4 5

since it's 1:22 in the morning as i begin to make this, technically, it IS a day 3. i was planning to just sleep after i finished day 2, but no one really knows me for just crashing into bed and starting to practice how to die. it's a quick one anyways, so let's do it mah bros.




i actually have lots of books that i fucking love, but if ya want just one, then alright.


√ one book that has left a remarkable dent in an already-ruined corner of my mind is entitled "never look back" by "robert ross". hopefully, i didn't get the author's name wrong lol. i've finished it when i was 12, so of course i would have forgotten the "ever single fucking detail" on it but anyways... i love it because it's quite unique.

it's a mix of believing in your own world and what lies beyond it. it's kind of an eye-opener for narrow-minded people who will themselves to see using nothing but their own selfish perspectives. i mean, seriously man. it was such a good as fuck book that took into account the feelings of every character and how their personal lives are going at the moment where ccharacter A got herself a fucking drag queen for a friend.

something like that.

anyways, it was just so fucking intriguing and the occasional dreaming of these two certain characters about shit that happened in the past... it's good. especially when their perspectives suddenly switch to a scene that their historic counterpart has lives through.

the whole "sarah jane's ghost" thing was honestly very fucked-up, but this shows us that the dead can take over the living if they're never too careful.


ok so ummm, fuck that. just go read the book or something,  but i don't know if bookstores still sell it at all. i got the book from my grandmother who has a shit-ton of leaves in her personal space, so yeah, it's old. it's quite refreshing to see myself post a non-essay-ish thing lol.


T a g g i n g  2  h o m o s e x u a l s - - / / k i c k e d



t h e s e  k i d s  i  k n o w  a r e  g r e a t  ,  w h o  s u p p o r t e d  m e  t h e  m o s t  d u r i n g  m y  c r i n g e  d a y s

>> i know you're not homosexuals. i just wanted to use that fucking pun. sorry if thid offended anyone.

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