| first meeting |

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First meeting


You guys met back in Australia, just as he was about to leave to head for the states, you were on a plane to America as well. You were lucky enough to get seated right next to him and the two of you talked the entire way and made sure to exchange numbers by the time you landed. You even happened to stay at the same hotels that he did, and when he found out you were there just to get away from things, he made sure to keep you with him.


Before he dropped out of school, he met you. You were the complete opposite of him, but he somehow loved that about you. You were gorgeous, down to earth but you made a mistake and forgot your homework one day and ended up getting detention, so Michael yelled at the teacher and ended up getting detention as well. You guys were best of friends and soon lovers. He also convinced you to drop out of school as well, you ended up getting your GED later on while on tour with him.


You worked at one of the venues the boys performed at. As you were setting the stage up for them you heard voices and turned to see them. You were currently switching out the drum cover to say 5SOS and saw Ashton. He quickly introduced himself and you got to talking about how he got into drums, and with a quick word or two Ashton made it so that you set up the stage everywhere they went, so you got to tour with him.


Once the boys got off their tour with One Direction, they needed their own stylist and you were the first person they checked out. You immediately clicked with each of them, mostly Luke. When you were working on his hair, the conversation flowed so smoothly and you felt instantly attracted to him, more then you should, but you didn't hide your feelings for him and he didn't hide his feelings for you either.

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