What he does that make you happy

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What he does that makes you happy


He always knows what you want, and how you want it. Never has he been wrong about something when it has come down to you. If you want something, he knows exactly where to go, how quickly to have it to you, and how much of whatever to get for you.


He's always there for you, even when he's far away on tour. Always skyping, texting and he'll make random keeks just for you. He even does the classic romantic stand of writing love letters for you and sends them to you along with a gift from wherever he is on tour.


He puts you first, always. Even if he's playing a video game that he's been dying to play for the longest time, if you need or want something, he'll drop the controller in a heartbeat and cater to your every need. He doesn't mind dropping a video game for you.


He takes things slow, never rushes you. He took his time in getting to know you and taking you out on dates. It was never fast paced and he didn't mind, as long as you were happy, he went along with it. If he had to go at a snail's pace for you, he would, no doubt about that.

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