Book Three

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So first of all let me just say THANK YOU!

Honestly, when I started this story I had no idea it would grow to this length and have this much of an amazing reception, so thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read it, comment and vote! Even if you're a silent reader, I thank you so much!

Please, never ever feel like I'll bite your head off if you correct me on spelling or a translation that may be wrong- I am here to write a good story and any means of getting 100% out of it, is more than welcome. I tend to have a fast eye, so little spelling errors evade me like crazy!

Feel free to PM me at any time and constructive criticism is  more than welcome, but do note that the main person I'm writing this story for is ME. I write for fun, not for any other reason.

I genuinely try to make each and every character as three-dimensional and real as possible, so that means giving them flaws, hopes and fears. And of course, no character can be stagnant- so I have you're all happy with the development that I've given thus far. Yes, Aurora won't always make rash decisions in a world she barely knows and of course Thanatos is starving for some form of love or connection, hence his reluctance to admit to his powerful emotions.

There's so much more to people than meets the eye. A book with a constantly moody and smirking Thanatos would only be fun for a bit, until we crave some dimension; some relatability.

For those who don't know too much on Greek myth, I hope I explain the story and characters in such a way that now you have some background on it (of course, just note my obvious changes to some myths).

Greek gods are anthropomorphic (meaning they have human characteristics) and were based off of humans, but in many myths, they're almost more human than humans. And what I mean by that is, they're not necessarily always caged by our everyday limitations. They kill, lust after, steal, fight and so forth, how and whenever they want to. It's a different culture, where primal needs and thinking thrives. So that's the point I want to get across and hopefully have through the story.

I do hope that I have you guys hooked still and ready for Book three ;)

Yes, the first chapter WILL have the very first sex scene. So don't worry, we've all waited long enough... Phew...
And let me say, it's the first of many ;3

Unfortunately, I am a postgraduate student with exams on the way and I have a part-time job as well, so I will be taking a short break until my exams are over and I can end off and edit book 3 in peace.

1st of October 2017 - is the date the prologue will be published onto Wattpad.

That's exactly 50 days away :D

YAY! (^.^)

So to end off my rambling, here's the cover for book three and some excerpts...

Lots of Thanaura love from me and Shadow! He's going to miss ya'll so here's the chance to throw him a snack to remember you all by! 👻🍕

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Thanatos: The Blue DawnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora