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*I'm dedicating this chapter to: T-crystal. I love you babe... Your comments, votes and even your book inspires me to write more. *

Three evenings with James and I’m loving this dude, whenever I'm with him, I forget about all my worries. We got to talked about a lot of things especially about school but nothing too personal though, we learnt about our likes and dislikes, do's and don'ts best food and colours.

When I was in school, I had quite a number of friends but what made Annie and I really close was the fact that we were able to connect more than the others. She understood me so well and I did to her too.

That is just the way James and I are right now; he knows when I'm angry and he also knows the exact words to say at the right time to make me smile.

James had promised to take me out for dinner after work; I still can’t phantom if it was a date or just a friendly outing. He said he wanted to do it to say thanks for the times I’ve called him for dinner. To be honest, I’m growing so fond of this dude, I don’t know if it happens to him too, but there is this feeling whenever I’m around him; my heart beats faster, I tend to smile a lot and his touch sends this tingling sensation all over my body but I haven’t told Annie any of this yet. I don’t want her to bug me with questions over the phone, if we are going to talk about James, she has to be here.

I decided to wear a short black gown with a cross opening at the back and a silver sandal. I was just doing the finishing touch of my make-up when James arrived, I guess he went home to freshen up before coming because his scent was of musk aftershave and bodman. He was wearing jean trousers and white shirts with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, his hair tousled and he looked divine.

“shall we??” he said as he stretched out his hand to me.

"yes we shall” I replied taking his hand.
We walked together to his car and drove off.


“Well, I will go for the ice-cream and cake topped with browned meringue” I told the waiter who was standing by our table to take our orders for desert.

“Hmm, I will just have a vanilla flavored ice-cream” James told the waiter after he turned his focus from me.

After getting an answer from James, he dismissed himself.

I was quiet and was staring at the table.
“Someone is too quiet for my liking” he said and he tilts his head to the side just to catch a glimpse of my face which was facing the table.

I lifted my eyes to look at him and smiled.
“Ice-cream reminds me of my dad” I said calmly. For all the times that we’ve talked, I never mentioned any member of my family.

Ice-cream and cake was my dad’s favorite, on Saturdays he would take me to an ice-cream booth across our street, we would order for ice-cream go to the park and sit.

While eating, he would tell me a lot of stories, sometimes fairytale, sometimes about life, his parents and mostly about him. It was like our own little bonding moment but he stopped after he got married again.

Just then, the waiter came with our order. He placed a saucer on the table with a spoon by the side containing my order in front of me, and in front of James, he placed an ice-cream bowl then walked away.

“You haven’t really mentioned your dad in any of our conversations before.”

“That is because we are not in good terms.” I said with a straight face.

“Wow.. I have pictured you as so many things but not as a rebellious daughter.” He chuckled, then continued; “do you want to talk about it?”

Being close to James had made me realize a lot of things and one of them is that that the more you talk about the things that bother you with the right people, the better for you.

“Well my mom is gone and my dad is married again.” I said rolling my eyes.
“And you are against it? I mean him remarrying” he gave me a questioning look.

“I’m not. The man has a right to be happy, but it would have been better if he didn’t choose her over me.”

“So you are jealous?”

“No! I cant be jealous of that woman” I said with a loud voice. Then continued speaking more softly; “she was a divorcee before my dad married her, she had a son who lives with her husband but usually comes to our house most times for weekend. He kept making passes at me but I put no thought to it” I took a piece of my cake then took a glimpse at James who was seriously looking at me.

“Aren’t you eating that? it's going to melt!” he smiled picked his spoon and took a scoop as I continued;

“He tried to rape me, but his mom came in and stopped him. When my dad arrived in the evening, I told him what had happened but she countered it, She made me seem like a liar. She told my dad that I was the one who tried to seduce her son and she caught me and took her son away. My dad believed her and called me a whore.”
Talking about it made the incident fresh in my memory, it felt just like yesterday when I lost the little love my dad had for me to that woman.

James stood up from the chair he was sitting opposite me and positioned himself on the chair beside me, then he put his arms around my shoulders.

"Funny enough that was not all, I never stopped loving him, He was my dad After all."

"So if u didn't stop loving him, what happened??"

"He didn't care when I left for school, he was too busy to care for me. It was his assistant who always called to check on me.

I called him and begged him  to at least come for my graduation, he promised but never showed up."

I felt a tear trickle on my face. "My friends and I went out for a drink, I got drunk and called him. I told him to never call me again that I'm no longer his child. I cut ties with him."

*Maddie has really been through a lot right?? Comment and tell me your view. What you think will happen next and your predictions...💖*

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*Maddie has really been through a lot right?? Comment and tell me your view. What you think will happen next and your predictions...💖*

*Read, comment, vote and please please please and please.. Help me share my book.* ❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💝💞💟

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