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Heyy guys, the book covers are still coming in. I just wanna say a big thanks to everyone who has put in so much effort in this book, either by reading, commenting, voting or even going the extra mile to make me a book cover.

May God bless y'all richly.

In case any of you have an idea, playlist, quote or book covers for "finally found!" kindly d.m me on instagram @ igumaprincess_osas.

Book cover my tentimileyin

Book cover my tentimileyin

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Me breaking up with Freddie was the best thing I did in a long while, I had peace of mind. When I told Annie about it, she first made sure I wasn't hurt then she started jubilating saying she had been waiting for this day since the day I accepted to date him again.

I walked into the supermarket to get some groceries when my eyes caught someone.


He was holding hands with a lady. I felt bad all of a sudden, I wasn't supposed to be but I felt like i lost my chance and that it was too late to make amends. Immediately, his eyes met with mine and I had to force a smile.

"hey Maddie what's up?" he said when he saw me.

"oh, hi James. How you doing?" I replied. My eyes dropped down and he was still holding hands with the lady. She's beautiful though.

"I'm good. I'm just good."

I guess The lady noticed that I wasn't too comfortable with her presence.

"okay James, I'll just go get some stuffs while you talk to your friend." she said and left.

"so what are you here for?"

"some house supplies and groceries." I answered.

"Okay..... So how is your boyfriend??" he asked.

Where is that question coming from?

"I broke up with him" was my short response. While I was looking at everywhere but his eyes. I didn't have the courage

"Oh.." he said with his lips making the shape of an O.

"Yea.. So she's your... "

"Babe you're taking so long." the lady came back holding James hand again.

"I'm sorry.. I gat to go.." I told James.

"okay Maddie" he replied and stretched forth his hand for a hand shake.

I turned back and started walking out of the supermarket without getting anything. As I was leaving, I heard him asking the lady;

"Sandra, what's all this for? These are irrelevant." she let out a rich laugh and replied; "That's what you get for letting go of my hand in a supermarket" the both burst into laughter before I left the supermarket completely.

My presence didn't even affect him at all.. What have I done was all I could think. The feeling of regret started to come.

Getting to the house, I told Annie of everything I encountered earlier with James and his new girlfriend. But she started laughing when I mentioned her name.

"Annie, what's funny?"

"First of all Maddie, Sandra is not his new girlfriend. She is his cousin." Annie corrected.

"There looked like a couple." I told her.

"They have been that close since they were kids. Sandra is literally the first friend he had in their family."

"he's not mine, but I'm just feeling so insecure." I told her. That's my fear.

"He's not yours yet.You can still get him back. I know he still loves you. But James is scared of being rejected again." she emphasized on the yet

"How am I going to do that? I mean he was totally unaffected when I told him today that I broke up with Freddie." I asked as I looked into her eyes. I could feel that my eyes were getting red.

"Maybe he still hadn't processed what you told him yet. Just give him time I promise. Then you have to prove to him that you love him is the reason you want him, not because you need someone to help you get over your broken heart."

"Okay thanks hon." I quickly hugged her.

I love my best friend although she can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

Okay guys, I know that I haven't been available for a long time and the chapter is supposed to be longer than this to make up for the days I didn't upload. I promise to make it up to you in the best way I can.

I love you all like kilode

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