chapter 1

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Amelia is a 17 year old girl who loves to dance and act. Acting was such an important thing in her life as its gave her freedom and let her become someone else in life. Amelia was a very quiet person in front of people but she felt so comfortable with her friends. Her friends were everything to her, they were like her family. Amelia hated science, biology, physics and chemistry all three of them, she sucked at it, especially physics, she failed at every test, even the ones where she could use her notes. She hated speaking in class and putting her hand up and of course all the teachers picked her to read stuff out. She loved songwriting and singing it was another passion of hers, it also helped her express her feelings, because she felt like she couldn't tell her friends everything, she didn't really trust all of them in their friendship group. There was five of them in the group Amber who was a small girl who was very passive aggressive with the people she didn't like, you didn't want to get on he bad side of her. Then there is Sophie who absolutely loved make up, its was everything she loved, sometimes she wore too much but Amelia didn't have the heart to tell her. Then there was Marissa who was a small girl who was very bright even if she didn't think it, she had a crush on one of the hottest boys in school, Ethan who already had a girlfriend called Macy, Amelia found it funny when Marissa dissed her, Marissa may be short but she had a mouth on her. Next we have Julia who was super bright, she never swore and always saw the good in people and she was very sensitive at times. Of course at every school their is a school bully and this school did, she was called Saffron,she was horrible and could become very violent at times, she would push into you, whisper your a bitch and other cuss words, Amelia learned to ignore it because people like that weren't worth it.

Amelia moved school and joined Pine ridge secondary school in year 8 when she turned 12 as her past school she got bullied for being different from everyone else and hanging out with people who weren't drop dead gorgeous or super skinny or wore make up, and her classmates teased her for that until she finally moved school. She clicked in straight away with the students at Pine ridge secondary school, it was paradise for her to finally have people to hang out with and to have friends thats cared about her. Now lets get into the actual story.

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