chapter 3

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The rest of the lesson was pretty quiet, i didn't learn much only that Shawn indeed did have a beautiful smile. That was a little distracting. We spoke a little bit, not a lot though as it was awkward as me and Shawn have never spoken before and then all of sudden we are sitting next to each other. I've seen him a few time around school but not enough to realise how fit he was, i wonder if he has a six pack?. The class ended and when i walked out i had a feeling that i was going to enjoy science this year. I was walking down the hall when i saw Saffron, luckily it wasn't lunch.... . i kept walking when i could just feel the heat of her eyes looking at me as we walked passed each other as we did she pushed me. i looked back at her to see her glaring at me. What an asshole. I kept walking when i eventually i saw Julia. I walked over to her and we hugged one and other. "how was you summer?" i asked. "good, it was super quiet though, you?" Julia replied. "yeah it was okay, turning 17 was crazy, the ending was boring just sitting around watching teen wolf" i said with a smile. "Dylan O'brian is my bae" i added. Me and Julia walked down the hall, not really talking. "have you seen anyone yet?" i asked. "no, i've only seen you Julia replied. i was debating if i should tell her about Shawn but i decided not too as i didn't want to sound crazy already for him. which i was. i find that i fall for boys too easily and in a relationship i would take them back in a heartbeat, even if they cheated. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, except my thoughts were mostly about Shawn. I tried to not think about him but its hard, its addicting but it also hurts me at the same time because i know he isn't thinking about me. C'mon Amelia you've only just met him.

The next day of school arrived and i had science and i was kind of happy about that, not the learning part, the part that i have a really fit boy next to me. The lesson arrived and i took my seat next to him as he gave me and warm smile. He must have a girlfriend, he can't be single. i went in my pencil case to get pen out but it wasn't there. shit. I looked around the class, i don't know why i just did. "Are you alright?" Shawn asked. "no i can't find my pen i think i left it at home" I said not wanting to ask him. "i have a spare if you want to use it?" Shawn offered. "um thank you i promise i'll give it back" i said as he handed it to me. i smiled as i wrote the date in my book getting ready for the lesson.




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