Chapter 45

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Me and Shawn left his house and walked to a classic American diner. Me and Shawn sat opposite each other in a booth. Me and Shawn both ordered milkshakes and we shared a pizza. It was such a cool day. "Are you nervous about the ultrasound?" Shawn asked. "A little, I mean I think seeing the baby will just make everything so real" I said. "Yeah I think saying it and seeing it is crazy" Shawn said. "I've had fun today" I said as me and Shawn walked home hand in hand. "I love you" Shawn said. "That came out of no where" I said with a small laugh. "I just felt like telling you that" Shawn said. I looked up at him and kissed him. It was a slow passionate kiss as I wrapped my arms round his shoulders and he placed his hand on my hip. It started to rain heavily and Shawn pulled away. "We should probably go inside" Shawn said. I shook my head in disagreement. "It's refreshing" I said with a smile. Shaw smiled and kissed me again. "Hey guys!" Said a voice from behind. Me and Shawn quickly pulled away and saw Jack J. "Hey" I said. "Check your phone" he said. I took my phone out and saw that jack had taken pictures of me and Shawn kissing in the rain. The pictures were amazing. "Jack these are beautiful" I said. "How was school?" Shawn asked. "Alright apart from Sophie walking around like she's the victim" Jack said. "Don't you think that Saffrons been super quiet" I said. "Usually she's the one causing all the drama" I said looking at Shawn and Jack.
Hope you liked it!

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