Chapter 41

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Me and Jake walked to the principal office in silence as anger boiled in my blood, i don't know what happened to me, what Sophie said about Amelia just made me so angry but I think I was already angry before she just pushed me over the edge. "Boys explain what the hell happened!" He shouted.
"Shawn just punched Sophie so I stepped in!" Jake yelled. "Sophie was chatting shit-"
"Language!" The principle snapped at me.
"About Amelia and I lashed out!" Shawn snapped."you still hit a student!" The principle, Mr Smith said."well that student deserved it!" Shawn said. "I'm calling your parents, BOTH OF YOU!" He yelled. "In the mean time both go to the medical room and get cleaned up" he said. I quickly walked to the medical room hoping to see Amelia. I had a bruise across my cheek and a nose bleed, my knuckles were bruised and I had other bruises on my face. "Is Amelia here?" I asked as I held an ice pack on my cheek bruise. "She's in the other medical room" the nurse said. "Can I see her?" I asked. "No" she snapped. I never liked this lady, she always hated me, I don't know why. I was sent back to the office and saw my mum and she didn't look that happy. "We understand that Shawn is going through a hard time at the moment but that doesn't mean he won't receive a punishment" Mr smith said. "Of course" my mum said. Thanks. "He will receive a week suspension and a week of detentions when he comes back" he said. And the rest of the time was me explaining why I hit them."can I go now? And see Amelia?" I asked. They finally let me and I ran to the medical room and found Amelia lying down with an ice pack on her forehead, she wasn't awake she must still be knocked out. I sat down beside her and held her hand. The door opened and Julia walked in. "Hey" she said with a smile as she sat down. "Hey" I said a little less happy. "Look I know things must be hard" Julia said."yeah, this isn't the easiest time you know " I said with a touch of sarcasm." You can talk to me" Julia said. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure" Julia said with a warm smile. "Am I a bad person?" I asked nervously. "No! Of course not Shawn!" Julia said. "Because it felt so good punching Jake like I feel so much better now" I said. "You know things get a little too much and we have to let out our anger, for you punching helps, maybe get a punching bag instead?" Julia said with a little laugh. "Why are you ignoring or was ignoring Amelia?" I asked. Julia's smiled faded and she looked really sad. "I just don't want to be there to pick up the pieces" Julia said."what do you mean?" I asked. "I just think it's extremely rare that young couples make it through this, you've both been through so much! I mean look at you! Amelia's knocked out! I just don't think you are both going to make it through all this" Julia said. And then she got up and left.

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