Chapter 7

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I smiled at my phone screen as i looked at his number. i texted him; Hey shawn! i can now be weird with you over text. 

I got home and told my friends and they totally love the idea of us being together apart from Sophie, she kept telling me to not get my hopes up. i just ignored it as i was too happy to be put down. 

i walked into science the next day and sat down next to shawn smiling. I'm still that super shy kid, i've never put my hand up in this class or any classes really, i just didn't have the confidence to do that. "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" Shawn asked. "sure i'd love that" i replied back. "oh and don't bring your books we won't need them" Shawn said. i smiled at him. "i'd like that" i said. Shawn smiled back at me. The class ended and i went straight to my friends after ad told them everything about what had just happened. "so are you have a date?!" Marissa asked. "it can't be a date, they ain't dating" Sophie said. "yet" julia added. i laughed. My friends alway made me laugh, but Sophie was a bit off latley, i'm not sure why. 

The next day arrived and i kept thinking about Shawn and if this truly was a date. i walked into class and Shawn was there, like usual and of course he made the lesson more bearable. The day ended and i waited outside school for Shawn and my nerves were kicking in. What if it all goes wrong? i couldn't help but worry until i looked up and saw Shawn. The nerves went away, that happened everytime i saw him. 

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