chapter 2

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 Amelias POV.

I walked into school with a few nerves in the stomach as I  tried to find my friends. "Amelia!" Marissa said to me as she ran over. "what is it?" i asked. "no wait let me guess, Ethan?" i said crossing my arms. "yeah it is and what? he's a beautiful subject, but anyway he spoke to me! yep i know amazing!" she said proud of herself. I rolled my eyes. "yeah i guess" i said. "no Amelia this is the part where you ask me what he said to me" Marissa said with a smile. "what did he ask then?" I asked. "he asked me where our next lesson is" she said. "well congratulations" i said putting my arm round her. She was the shorter one so usully i did that, and if she did then that would just hurt me. "anyway what do you have next?" Marissa asked me. "science" i replied back with an unhappy tone. "i think Sophie has science next too" Marissa said. "anyway i should go to my next lesson i don't want to be late for my first lesson of the year" She happily. We hugged and then went our separate ways. I stood outside the classroom door waiting nervously for the bell to ring. So many thoughts were going through my head like what if the teacher is  really picky and makes me answer every question or makes me read my work out? or if they hate me?. My thoughts were distracted by the bell which made me jump. The students in this class starting coming to line up as the teacher came out and greeted us. She looked very young, with her short brown hair, and young face. She had a smile on her face as she came out the classroom. "come in" She said as she held the door open. We all walked in and she told us to stand in a straight line at the back of the classroom as she told us all where to sit. I looked around at everyone but my eyes stopped looking at everyone when my eyes caught the look of this boy. He was very tall easily 6ft, he had brown hair, dreamy brown hair, beautiful teeth, i bet his smile is beautiful too. He stood there biting his nails, he looked nervous too, well at least he isn't the only one, but for some reason when i looked at him all my nerves went without me knowing. Finally Mrs said my name. i always found it weird when people said my name i felt super weird about it. "Amelia can you sit on this desk next to Shawn" she said. I looked around to see who Shawn was. it was the boy i was looking earlier. I'm gonna find it hard to concetrate with Shawn next to me looking like that. 

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