Chapter 20

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Me and Shawn walked away hand in hand. "Shawn?" i said. He turned and looked at  me. "Did you really mean that?" i asked. "of course, Amelia i love you" Shawn said looking into my eyes. i didn't know what to say, i froze no one had ever said that they loved me. "Amelia?"Shawn said. Again i didn't say anything. "i  can't believe this" Shawn said as he let go of my hands and walked away. "Shawn!come back" I said. He kept walking away and i wasn't letting him getting away that easily. "SHAWN!" I yelled. He turned around. "whats the problem?" i asked. "do you love me?" He asked. "Of course i love you, you're the first person i've ever loved and i will always love and the crazy thing is that people spend years trying to find what we have and you know what-" i said looking around. "what?" Shawn said with a smirk. I grabbed his hands and lead up onto the roof of the school. "I LOVE SHAWN MENDES!!!" i yelled making everyone in school look up at me. "now do you believe me?"i asked. Shawn nodded with a huge smile. "meet me tonight at my house at 10pm" Shawn wispered in my ear. 

My parents would kill me if i left the house at 10pm so i had to sneak out like a true ninja. My parents never checked my bedroom when i'm in there after dinner. i slowly opened my window and jumped out and landed loudly. i walked to Shawn's and he told me to go round the back and go through his basement window and call him when i'm inside. The window was open and i climbed through and then i called Shawn. He came downstairs and he looked as hot as ever. We didn't speak we just slowly went upstairs to his room. "i have a sursprise for you" Shawn said. He grabbed my hand and led me to his window which led onto the roof. We brought out blankets and cuddled together. "this is perfect" i said. Shawn looked down at me and kissed my forehead."i love you" Shawn said. Shawn got up and went outside and came back holding a guitar. He sat down in front of me and started to play perfect by Ed sheeran. it was beautiful, i'd never been more happy in my life. He finshed and looked at me. "that was.. wow" i said with tears in my eyes. Shawn came over to me and kissed me, and it was hot, and loving. "shawn arw your parents home?" i asked. "no why?" Shawn said in a low voice. "i want you to give me hickeys in places only me and you can find" i said as i led him back into his room. 

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