Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning feeling so much better, i felt normal again. I reached over and got my phone. i turned it on and scrolled through my feed when a message from Marissa popped up. i clickled on it and i read; 

Hey A look i just saw this video and i'm not sure if you've seen it but if you haven't i think you should as well you're gonna see it somewhere, i'm so sorry i'm here to talk if you need too. 

i didn't get what she was so sorry about but i clicked on the video she sent and it looked like it was at the party and everyone looked drunk but then i saw Shawn. He was kissing Sophie. i couldn't believe my eyes. was the person i love kissing the girl that i hate? i threw my phone away from me as tears poured out my eyes. i felt stone cold like all the love had come out of me. He was my first love, i needed him but he let me down. I had a rush of anger as i started to throw my stuff round my room, things smashed and broke i looked around at my round and saw a picture of me and Shawn that was in a picture frame on the floor smashed. It was me and Shawn hugging while it snowed. I walked passed it and sat on my bed crying. i was lying in my bed when my phone started ringing.i got up and walked over to it and it was Shawn. i left it to ring. A few moments later Sophie called me, again i let it ring. Then she texted me, a bunch of messages at once;  

Ha you probs saw the video. 

He was wasted. but you know that when you drink your true emotions come out. 

He's such a good kisser. 

He was all over me. 

He loved it. 

And more messages came but i turned my phone off. My mum came in and asked me questions about why my room was trashed but i pretended to still be really sick. So this is what heartbreak feels like. 

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