Fated 4...

149 20 18

Sorry for the wait. I was supposed to update last night but Wattpad was annoying.
Enjoy the surprise in this chappie! I can't seem to stop spilling secrets, can I?

...here I am...this is me...there's nowhere else I'd rather be.
Here I am, just me and you, tonight we make our dreams come true...
It's a new world! It's a new start! It's alive with the beating of young hearts!
It's a new day. It's a new plan. I've been waiting for you.
Here I am...
- Here I am

Gray's POV...

I slapped the head of my alarm clock to stop its deafening noise as it rang for six o'clock for me to get out of bed and prepare for school. I shook vigorously, like an earthworm in salt, trying to wake myself up and from the anger of getting up at six o'clock. I got up, still groggy, and dragged myself to my bathroom. The beautiful sight of my bathroom calmed and woke me up.

It was so damn beautiful!

I washed my mouth and bathed and washed my long, jet black hair and all that took thirty minutes even though I didn't shave my legs. Luckily, I don't grow hairs on my legs or arms but I grow in the places I have to grow hair on. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
I stepped out of the shower room, with a towel around my body and went over to a small counter, in the bathroom. I picked a hair dryer that was among other bathroom necessities that I had arranged there last night before I went to bed. In short, I had unpacked last night.
I blow dried my hair and then brushed it with a purple brush that belongs to my elder sister.


Did I just say elder sister?

Yes, I did.

And did I also say 'belongs'?

Yes, I did.

I have an elder sister and she is not dead, as most of you must have thought.

She just...sorta...kinda...maybe...

Ran away...

She ran away from home the day my father almost took her virginity. My mom went to look for her while I stayed at grandma's, away from him. She came back and told us that she was too scared to come back to us. So stupid, huhn?
Anyway, I also didn't blame her as she had also told mom that that wasn't the first time it had happened.
Now, you can see why she was scared.
She said she couldn't take it anymore and that she suffered the attempts which had taken place when we were not around, many times. She never told any one because she didn't want to bother anyone and also because she still...let me say, loved, our father. Gross, right?
Sometimes, I wondered how she ever escaped, each and every time. She had stayed over at her boyfriend's apartment and I also didn't like him. Turned out too, that he was also abusive. Still she didn't leave him, saying that it was much better to stay with him than with our father...than with us.
I still missed her though, everyday we never forgot to think of her, that is, my mom, grandma and I. My father even forgot about her like he didn't do anything. Although, I was angry at her for leaving me, as she was my best friend, my yearn for her grew even worse everyday. She was one of the only ones I had.

I quickly pushed the thought away and walked into my bedroom, till I reached my walk - in closet. I walked in and checked out clothes that I had hung there.

I am so blank, right now.

I didn't know which outfit to wear on my first day in a new school. Then, I had an idea.
I closed my eyes and reached out into the hanging clothes and searched with my hands deciding by the texture and length of the clothes. Then, I touched one. It was a crop - top hoodie, a black one. And so, from there, I knew what I wanted to wear to school. I got to work.

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