Fated 8...

97 14 7


Dedicated to FantasyKayla for the needed encouragement!

By the way, that's Saul's bedroom up there.

...gotta fight another fight. I gotta run another night. Get it out - check it out. I'm on my way and I don't feel right. I gotta get me back. I can't be beat and that's a fact.
It's okay. I'll find a way. You ain't gonna take me down no way...
You can't take me. I'm free!

- You can't take me

Saul's POV...

I ran after her into the forest. This girl could really run. I knew that she would need some space and maybe comfort from her family but I can't just lose her now. I have been keeping away from her all week and I, even my wolf, can't keep away from her. On Thursday, I had to touch her and talk to her. I just had to find out if she was really the one. Now, I know she is mine. She really couldn't overtake my werewolf speed. I was so close to her that I'm sure she could feel my breathing on her back.

I could feel her pain.

She was so scared. I wanted to make it easier for her. But how could she stop and listen and let me explain. She wouldn't. We passed people who turned to look at us but didn't do anything. They were only minding their own business just the way I liked it.
I could tell she was shocked by their behaviour. Most had pitiful looks on their faces. They knew they'd better stay out of it or I would kill them.

No offence to them but, no one comes between me and my mate.

She was getting weak.

We had already reached the forest near her home. I had put a bit of distance between us. She slowed down and looked back and only increased her falling speed and ran deeper into the forest. She ran and ran.

Doesn't she get tired?

Must be her fear.

Finally, she tripped over a stone and hit her head on a fallen branch. She was unconscious. I felt relieved that she had stopped. Not that I wanted her like that. I just didn't like the feeling of her running from me.

Then I heard twigs snapping.

My wolf said to me.

On my land?! Near my mate!?

Let's do away with them!
He said with equal anger.

And we did.


Gray's POV...

Why, the hell, can't I open my eyes?

Where am I?

I hope I'm in my bedroom.

No. I'm not.

This place smells different.

And not like my vanilla scented bedroom.

And this bed is so soft.

But one side is a bit hard. My left side, that is.

I want to stay here forever.

What am I saying? No!

I know this smell.

Minty...thick male cologne...gasp!


I am in Saul's bedroom!

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