Fated 16...

45 10 2

Enjoy, babies!

...all I hear is the rhythm of my speeding heart. It's getting loud and I can't hide it. Boy, you know the distance is just killing me. Even when I lied right beside ya.
And I gotta let my body loose. Never really cared for rules. I gotta get it closer to you. I gotta get to where you are. Rip my shirt and let it fall.
Baby, I just feel like wearing
Nothing at all.

- Nothing at all

Gray's POV...

I'm going crazy.

And I mean it.

My life has not been the same lately.

In a bad way.

And I become cranky almost every time. And to everyone. I don't know how to control my emotions. Both in school and at home. My mom and sister are worried. My grandma just chides them and tells them that I'm going through my period, that I'm having one of those mood swings.

Like, she knows when my period kicks in!

She just shushes me and tells me to call down when I try to tell her that it's not. And that I do not know why I'm behaving like this.

I'm not okay.

Every time I come home from school, I go into my bedroom, close the curtains, lock the doors, wear thick clothes and get into bed and pull the covers up to my chin. I don't have any problems with homework anymore. Why? Well, since the first day Saul growled at Mr. Ferguson, all teachers decided to stay away from me. But I don't use it to my advantage either. I always do my homework. One way or another.

Nor had always been by my side, throughout this week. She's helped with notes and other things. She never talks about Saul or anything that concerns Saul. I never see Renee or Burdine. I heard Renee just wanted to stop schooling and has been seen some places around town. While, Burdine. Well, I've heard that she moved to another town not too far away from here. Looked like she was scared shitless of Saul.



Wait, why am I thinking about him?

And why does it make me warm?

I had not been feeling well since then. And I can't help but think that it's because of Saul leaving.

Well, my week has been pretty not fine.


I just kept bumping into people. Every single time. Whenever I did, the people I bumped into would look at me pitifully. Like I was going mental. Nori would look at me the same way too. She would never leave my side.


Today, at lunch, Saul sat alone. At the table at a corner. Where he and his friends used to sit. Today, he sat at that table and his friends sat at another behind his. Nori said to me,
"Um...I...could I go meet up with Phinny? I'll be right back. He kinda wants to talk. Will you be okay?".

"Sure. Go see him". She stood up and went over to her boyfriend. I watched as she left me. I saw the bright smile on her face as Phineas held her arm and pulled her to hug him. I felt someone watching me from the table behind them. Saul's table.


The same thing happened today. Nori wanted to see Phineas.

I looked behind their table and saw a dirty someone.

Of course, it was Saul.

I looked at him and our eyes met. I felt a sudden hunger wash over me. Hundred hefty men wouldn't have been able to stop me from running over.

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