Fated 29...

33 4 4

Ho Ho Hotaru koi.
Atchi no mizu wa nigai zo.
Kochi no mizu wa amai zo.
Ho Ho Hotaru koi.
Ho Ho  yama michi koi.

Hotaru no otosan kane mochi da.
Dori de oshiri ga pika pika da.

Ho Ho Hotaru koi.
Yama michi da.

Hiruma wa kusaba no soye no kage
Yoru wa pon pon, taka chochin.

Tenjiku agari shitareba. Sun bakura ni sarawarebe...

- Hotaru koi

Gray's POV...

I awoke and found myself in a darker room. I couldn't see a thing. But I could feel that someone or some people were watching me. They were so silent.

I knew, for sure, I wasn't alone.

My breathing began to get heavier. I wanted to see Saul. I want to talk to him.

Oh! Mind jingamahoos!

I listened for him.

No sound. Not one word.

And it was making me go insane.

I needed his voice to calm me down and give me hope. I won't even care even if it was the devil watching me. All I need is his voice.

Just as I was about to give up hope and just scream at the top of my voice, his deep, troubled beautiful voice spread into my head.

Granada, love, are you there? Please, answer!

Again, I had to yell his name on top of my voice. And then, I knew I had startled the other...people in the room.

"Saul! Where are you?!", my voice began to shake with tears, "I don't like it here. I want you...I want to be with you".

I heard groaning in my head from Saul.

Don't worry. Don't worry, babe. I'll come get you. I promise! I'm coming. Just hang on for me, will you? Please...I'm trying...

I could hear frustration in his voice. He was trying. He sounded like it.

Oh... I thought.

Baby, please, as tired or frustrated I might sound right now, I will not give up till I find you. Don't you ever think I will get tired of you and leave you with that bastard! Don't you dare think that, okay?!

Okay...Okay! I won't.

Good girl. Now, please hang on, I promise I will find you...
Okay! I just got back your scent! I'm close, baby. So close. I'll find you soon. Okay?

Okay. Hurry. I'm...scared. So...so scared. I can't even hear Phaedra. I don't think she's here. I...I hope she's not in another room with those...rogues. Oh god...

But...sweetheart, we've got her. She's with Caesar. We found her and took her back. She's okay. With us.

Really, Saul?!

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