Fated 32...

13 1 1

Hey, everyone who has been following this book and might just leave me because I haven't updated in...A REALLY LONG TIME.

I'm sorry.

Cancer is a bitch but we're going to beat her. We're going to shove it in her face that yeah, we're not going down with her. 😁😁We'll be okay.

But now, I'm determined to finish this book and start Demon in Eden or I Can't Hear You stat. So, thank you guys for being here.

I still love you though. Lol.

Saul's POV...

We waited outside the ward for my mate and her family to see each other. I know I'm being selfish but I want her here right now. With me.

I looked to the others.

They were effing laughing in hushed tones.

"What?". I snapped at them and they immediately straightened up and coughed to hide their amusement. I glared at them still waiting for an answer.

Gabriel then spoke up, "Oh, come on, Alpha. It's her family not a group of long lost former male classmates of hers. She'll be out soon. Even Caesar here is as cool as a vegetable and Phaedra is in there. But you, your face...". He burst out laughing and so did the others.

I rolled my eyes at them and faced the door of the ward again. Stupid. He wasn't the one who had been cursed for years and never held his mate.

" Okay, I'm sorry, Alpha. You're actually right to feel this way".

I raised my eyebrow at him like I was saying, 'duh'. Then the others calmed down.

And also, my mate stepped out.

I immediately picked my mate up and super sped away leaving the rest.

We had reached her home.

And she slapped my arm.

"Why would you do that? My mom and grandma are still worried, you know".

I brushed it off and kissed her. And she immediately melted in my arms. Just the perfect reaction I needed.

We stood there, kissing for a long while until I heard my name called.


The voice came from the door of my mate's home. It was one of the men from my pack. He had also followed us to look for my mate and her sister when they were kidnapped. What was he doing here?

"I think it's enough and you should come in". He said, both exasperated and amused.

Granada hid her face in my chest blushing so much that I worried. But I still wondered what he was doing there.

I walked my mate to the porch and looked in.

A lot of my pack members stood there, with wide smiles and a yell of 'Surprise'.

I smiled too but was still confused. Why would they be here? Did Granada invite them? That couldn't be possible. She was with me the whole time.
Then I looked around.

The whole place was decorated. The proof that a kidnap had happened here by my brother and his mongrels was vanished. My eyes widened at how beautiful the place looked. Completely different from how it looked when I met my mate.

"Whoa". My mate whispered.

"I know". Said the man, I now know as Jacob, he was a 64 year old man who owned a big bakery in town. His bakery have jobs to werewolves who needed help blending in.

"After we had secured the beta's mate and went back home reluctantly, might I add, because you told us to, we felt useless just waiting for you to come back so we remembered that the Luna's house was just...destroyed and so we started to clear the place and redecorate it. It also helped our hopes of the Alpha finding the Luna build and well...here we are. This is like thank you, for the both of you, of course, for everything. The least we could do".

By now, my mate was already in tears and also her family and Nori and Chantal. Genie was in the hospital getting treatment for the minor injuries Philippa gave her. Seth was with her.

My mate's family had arrived when Jacob was halfway in his story.

"Oh, thank you, you guys. You've helped tremendously and we as a family owe you a lot".

I spoke up, "No, Meredith. You don't. But well, the only thing that we would want is for you and your mother, Henna, to accept us as a part of your family. We might not be normal humans but we want for you to be part of us and that's all we'd want".

"Part of you...", Meredith whispered. Even Henna, the one that would speak at a time like this looked up to her daughter, as her daughter looked to her, "Well, you can start by calling me mom, Saul".

I frowned a bit then looked at my mate with realization shining in my eyes. She had told her mom about us and the pack, maybe back at the ward.

I turned back to my second mom and smiled at her. Immediately knowing she and her family had accepted us for who we were.

I saw my mate run toward her mother and hug her saying, "Thank you, mom". Then kiss her on her cheek.

"Well, I guess that's work done. It's time to celebrate our Luna and her family: their welcoming into Nightwish and their rescue. And don't worry, all the things we need are already stocked up in this house. We didn't only decorate, you know". Everyone chuckled and scattered mingling and smiling.

My mate ran up to me and crashed into my chest hugging me tight. And I did the same and kissed her head before kissing her lips. The lips I couldn't get enough of.

I broke it and looked into her eyes and asked her, "Did you do that? Convince your mom about us and the pack?".

"Duh, of course I did, I couldn't possibly live if she didn't accept us as a family. I wouldn't give up living with these amazing creatures for the world".

I looked at her with so much love in my heart and eyes, knowing no one else was perfect for me except her. She just had the love for my family that I wanted her to have. Even more. No one else is more perfect.

"Umm....I already apologized to Chantal when they got here. About my mistake that...got...her mate in the hospital".

"Hey, don't think about that anymore, okay? It wasn't your fault. I failed to see that. It drove us apart and I wouldn't like us to think about such anymore".

She nodded. "Chantal waved it off. She wasn't mad at me". She said happily.

I smiled at her. Then kissed her again. Everything was going right now.

We started walking to where we would find something to eat.

"I have a surprise in my office for you, back at the pack house".



Hey peeps!

I know this is short but the next chapter might be better.

Thanks again for reading.

- Gracious

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