Fated 15...

52 11 2

...tired blue boy walks my way. Holding a girl's hand. That basic *bcthi leaves finally. Now, I can take her man. Someone told me, 'stay away from things that aren't yours...

- Pacify her

Gray's POV...

Saul groaned beside me and squeezed my shoulder. He looked very angry and he wasn't doing a good job keeping it in. Why isn't he telling her to keep out of his way like he always does? Why isn't he -?

Oh, wait a minute...

He always does that to his kind. He does that to werewolves. Burdine is no...


I look up at him and saw bright green eyes staring back. Now he's squeezing my shoulder hard. God, that's painful.

"Saul, you...you're hurting me". I try to get away from his hold but he doesn't let go. He tightens it further.

Nori moves over to us and puts her palm on Saul's hand on my shoulder.

He turns his head to her and said in a voice that sounded like death itself.

"I have to break it. I have to break it".

Break what? My shoulder?

He flings away Nori's hand and slides his hand that's around my shoulder to my wrist.

No, my wrist.

He breaks it.

And I scream. Really loud.

And it's like the scream I made infuriated him more. The green in his eyes become darker.

Man! What kind of strength breaks wrists?! Oh, I forgot. He's a freaking werewolf!

"Saul! Saul! Stop it. Stop it! You'll kill her!". At the sound of Phineas' voice and what it said, I felt really sad.

Could Saul really kill me?

Could he really...hurt me...like my father did?

I mean, all this while, I have believed that he would never hurt me. I believed that he would protect me. He even said so himself. Then, why did he break my wrist? It hurts so much!

I saw, in pain, Caesar and Phineas push him away then he fell on the ground, with closed eyes.

Nori held my hand gently twisted it. I gasped in pain and pulled my hand sharply away from her. I held it, crying.

I looked up and saw Saul above me, looking really down. Like, he was sorry. His eyes had turned to his normal brown, warm but sad and tired eyes.

I moved back a bit but he came closer.
He opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted.

"Hey! Newbie! Move away from Saul. Go hang out with the stupids over there. Don't think you'll be long anywhere near the better people over here. Saul will never be yours. Just cause he's hanging out with you doesn't mean that you mean -".

Nori interrupted. "Burdine, this is not the right time to do this shit. Get out of here".

Wait, couldn't she see what was going on here? My wrist was broken for God's sake! It's now she wants to claim Saul? Oh! I can give her Saul right now! But, now's not the time! I want to hear what he has to say about what he just did to me. Saul couldn't want to hurt me, could he? He promised to protect me.

"Shut up, trash! I'm speaking to this dingus here". Nori wanted to lunge at her but Phineas pulled her backwards.

Burdine turned to me while I held my hand. The pain was pretty unbearable and I couldn't stop tears from my eyes.

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