Fated 31...

33 3 0

Okay, hi, everyone. Couldn't update cause. I had three cases of severe malaria. But, thank God, I'm fine now! Thanks to your support! Read on.

Granada's POV...

"Why, hello, Luna".

I watched her say to me. She had white, long, fine and clean hair that touched her waist. She had wrinkles that every very old women had except fake Philippa. She was of course bent and used a stick. She was short and her bent form made her reach just my stomach in height. When she smiled at me, I saw perfect white teeth. They looked strong and independent.

Independent white teeth.

God, I want one of those.

I know, right? I've been trying to get her to put a spell on my teeth to make them just like those when I'm her age.

I saw a black cat run across the room to where Saul and I were standing and I was creeped out and jumped out of the way.

Before Saul had to do the same, the cat bit his ankle and disappeared into thin air. Making Saul fall to the floor groaning in pain. And suddenly, he looked up with angry eyes from his position to glare at the old woman who was laughing heartily. Her white teeth shining.


"Oh, Alpha, gets me every time. I said you're not getting these teeth".

Did she just read our minds? Is she also a werewolf?

"No, Luna, I'm a witch. And can't a witch do...practically anything?".

That was reasonable.

"That didn't mean you should send a damn cat to bite me. I got it already. You're not giving me teeth like yours so why don't you leave it at that?". He said, still on the floor holding his leg.

"You haven't gotten it already, Alpha. If you've gotten it already, you'd never think of it again".

"Whatever". Phineas helped him up. They were all trying to hold in their laughter.

"Hello, Luna".
She greeted me again.

"Oh, sorry. Hello. And please don't call me Luna, call me Grana -".

She cut me off.

"Luna, could you step away a bit from where you are standing?".

And she didn't listen to me.

I nodded and stepped away.

She looked to who was behind me.

Genie's mate.

Her playful green eyes disappeared and in came the dark green that Saul had when he was angry.

But she didn't look angry. Just seriously curios and...careful.

She walked on her stick and good leg to his front. Right in front of him and stared up at him in the eyes.

After what seemed like minutes, she moved to a far corner of the room and did something shocking.

Thank God she told me to move out of the way and I obeyed.

She lifted her stick a bit off the ground and hit it back on the floor and out of nowhere in front of her, appeared a creature with huge fangs and long sharp claws and it directly flew, making a loud screeching sound, to Genie's mate's face.

Before it could make him unrecognizable for the rest of eternity, he also did something shocking.

He swiftly raised his hand in front of his face, like he was trying to stop a slap from meeting his face and something came out of it, like a forcefield and the bat - like beast turned to dust.

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