Apologies (But It's Not Totally My Fault!)

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Hey, lovey doveys!

It has been sooooooooooooo long!

Here's the gist.

So, I had gotten into university and you know, trying to settle in for the second semester and suddenly, Wattpad stopped working. I tried for weeks to get back in but no luck, until I tried one time and here I am!


It was horrifying without Wattpad, my life that is. :))))

Well, I'm here! And I will continue with my books. (And hopefully finish them on time).

So, enjoy!

Please, I want to know my readers well. So in the comment section, please bombard me with stories, about exes, pets, annoying siblings :) weird but cherished parents, best friends, paranormal experiences and many more. Lol.

- Gracious

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