Fated 24...

60 7 3

Sorry for the long wait. All the things that have kept me from updating has been resolved. And now, I have updated!

...you call me. All friendly. Telling me how much you miss me. That's funny. I guess you've heard my songs. Well, I'm too busy for your business. Go find a girl that wants to listen. Cause if you think I was born yesterday, you have got me wrong.
So I cut you off. I don't need your love, cause I already cried enough. I've been done. I've been moving on since we said goodbye. I cut you off. I don't need your love so you can try all you want. Your time is up. I'll tell you why.
You say you're sorry, but it's too late now. So, save it. Get gone. Shut up. Cause if you think I care about you now, well, boy, I don't give a kcfu...


Gray's POV...

After I moved away from him, I took time to look at his seething face. His eyes were green.

"What were you thinking?!".

He yelled at me.

I began to shake. My entire being was full of fear. I wanted to answer and try to calm him down like he said I could to help him but I couldn't even move when he stared down at me from the chair he sat on beside me when I was asleep.

"Why aren't you answering me?!".

So, in order to let my family see me again and for me to live, I answered shakily.

"I...I - I wanted to go - go around to see the place but - but...I didn't know that that would happen. I was so close to the mansion that I thought I would be safe. I didn't mean to -".
He interrupted me.

"Shut the hell up! Do you know how much danger you caused?! Do you know where your stupidity almost led us to? Where it almost led me to?!".

"I'm sorry I -".

"No! Don't you dare say that! You're not sorry! You just had to go out and almost get the whole pack into big trouble and now you say you're sorry?! I don't think so. Now, Gabriel is lying there at the pack hospital fighting for his life and his mate is a big mess and the pack is shaken because of what they did to him! Because of you! How, in the name of all things stupid, could you be so stupid?!".

"Just cause I told you that you were my mate, just cause I told you how my life was, you felt irritated with me and hated me so much that you just wanted to break my rules just to spite me?!".

I felt like a billion pound weight had been thrown on my chest. Gabriel was dying all because of my...stupidity. All because of me, his mate is going to be so devastated. All because of me, the pack was in danger. He thinks that I'm irritated with him. He's using this to show that I wanted this. I didn't.

I looked back to Saul and saw him staring angrily back at me. He must be pissed at me for ignoring him. But I didn't.

"Saul, I -".
He should calm down and hear me out. Not interrupt me.

"Tell me, what was going through your head? When Gabriel told you of my instructions, what was going through your freaking head?!".

Poor Gabriel. I don't know how he'll behave to me when he sees me. The whole pack will hate me now. Saul hates me now.

"Are you even listening to me?!".

My head snapped back to Saul and I almost cried at the way he looked at me. He was so mad at me, I could melt. I wish I could calm him down the way he said I could but by the looks of things, I can't. I answered him quickly. Not to make him madder. I tried to get all the numbing fear out and stood up to go around the bed to meet him. I didn't reach him because of the fear that refused to leave

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