Fated 7...

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Enjoy this new chappie!

Dedicated to -ellakastner

...I was a - afraid to make a single sound. Afraid I would never find a way o - o - out.
Afraid I'd never be fo - ou - ound. I don't wanna go another ro - ou - ou - ou - ound.
An angry man's power will shut you up. Trip wires fill this house with tip - toed love. Run out of excuses with everyone. So here I am and I will not ruuun.
Guts! Over! Fear!...

- Guts over fear

Gray's POV...

The rest of the week went by rather torturingly. I kept on falling victim of Saul's antics. He never stopped looking at me whenever he made out with Renee.

How did I know her name?

I asked Nori.

She said she's been with Saul for two years and I thought


That was really a long time.

I blurted to Nori that I thought Saul was cheating on her by staring at me with complete adoration in his eyes. I covered it up by saying that I meant I used to catch him sneaking glances at another girl.
No offence to that girl.

I mean, I am really tired of him looking at me that way. I thought of talking to someone about it. But I was also afraid that they would think I was jealous and wanted Saul for myself. I couldn't have people think I'm a boyfriend snatcher on my first week of school. I wouldn't stand that.

But I bet Saul would.

I really think so. Cause he's not only been all 'I saw you on my first day of school and now I want you to be my mine' over me, judging by his looking at me. He's also been telling people just by looking at them to stay away and (he doesn't think I know what he's doing but I always know, and why, my friends, I don't know. I also can't help staring at him, he's cute, too), keeping me out of trouble with the teachers. Here's what happened on Tuesday.

I was in class with some of the students waiting for the bell to ring and for the other students to rush in and then the teacher.
I guess the reason why I got in trouble was because I was locked up in my own thoughts and didn't realise that the teacher had come in.

What I was thinking of?

It was about Saul and the way my mood suddenly changes when I see him with Renee. I mean, I have never felt this way about any guy. I guess I didn't have the time or even the guts to see any guy. I always had work to do to help my mom's bakery and also my dad who would never even live to see me happy. With a guy, or in any way, that is.
Saul ignites anger, happiness, pleasure and sometimes intense sadness in me when I see him with Renee.

Something is strange about this guy, this school, this town, me...

And I will keep out of the way of -

"Miss Tyler, do you want to share to the class what you have been discussing with your self for the past ten minutes now?". The math teacher I had known to be Mr. Ferguson, looked at me intensely making me yell at myself in my head.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"I'm sure it would be a very good addition to the class we are having, if you even know the topic".

I hear a few muffled laughs and a very, very low growl...

In my head...?

"Uh...I...um...I'm sorry, Mr. Ferguson, I was - ".

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