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So, this is the end! Thanks for sticking by me! I hope you enjoyed it, cause I did! I'll think of writing another soon. But not now. But thanks for the love and see you another time, fabulous people. Dedicated to NaySwanepoel
Thanks, darling.

Oh, and yeah, this epilogue is so short...

Saul's POV...

I finished bathing with my mate this really hot evening. The sun was just setting and my mate was brushing her teeth really hard.

"You're going to spoil that toothbrush". I said to her. She didn't even listen.

"Ever since, Phaedra got out of the hospital and my grandma got married and we got married and my mom found a boyfriend and Phaedra and Caesar got married and Nori and Phineas got married Gabriel and Chantal got married and the pack grew to its biggest that even I can't count and when I found out I was pregnant, and when my whole family was turned and grandma was a beautiful white wolf and my mom, an even beautiful grey wolf, I can't help but want to have really white teeth, like Judith had". She said all that with toothpaste foam in her mouth.

I just shook my head and sighed. I love her anyway.

I rubbed my fingers over my face and thought of shaving more but not all my beard. The sound of Granada's brushing filled my ears. I looked at her and saw her hair fall into the sink and she screamed.

I just looked back to the mirror and smiled.

Then I saw it. I don't know why or how all this time, I never saw it but now, I did.

My teeth looked the brightest they had ever been.

I couldn't believe it.

"So, that's what she meant". Granada said from behind me looking at my new set of teeth.

I just smiled more.


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