Nothing like us

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Hi guys! My name is Jenn Mcallister. I am 17 years young and I'm a professional youtuber person. My youtube name is Jennxpenn if you wanna look me up because I think you should. I have a roommate whose name is Andrea Russett who is known as GHETTOxFABxFOREVER on youtube. This is my story.

Andrea and I decided to take a little trip to the o2l home to just relax for a day. We film and edit a lot of the time so none of us get that much chill time.

"You excited to see the love of your life?" Andrea asked me making kissy faces at me. She was referring to Jc (JcCaylen).

"Haha very funny. You know it's not like that Drea. I know you're excited to see Kian (Superkian13)" I said winking at her.

"Jenn you guys already admitted to having feelinga for eachother why not just make it official already?" She responded waving her hands in the air.

"Because, Lia likes him. I can't just start dating him." I said with jealousy in my voice.


We pulled up to their house about 5 minutes later and walked up to the door. Andrea made a beat with the doorbell it was quite funny. The door slowly opened, revealing Ricky (Ricky Dillion), Connor (Connor Franta), Kian and Jc. Ricky and Connor screamed HI at the same time and hugged us into a 4 person hug. Kian then said hi to me and held Andrea in his arms. I looked behind Kian to see Jc staring at me with his beautiful smile. He walked up to me and kissed me. (We do that okay? hush) Our lips seperated and I jumped on him, which meant 'Carry Me To The Kitchen Peasant', and he did exactly that.

"I missed you gorgeous, how are you?" He asked me, pulling out bread and stuff to make his famous sandwiches.

"Oh Mr. Caylen I missed you way more and I'm doing just fine." I responded in a British accent. I got up and walked over to him and we just stared at eachother.

"I know we aren't a thing but what exactly are we?" I asked him.

"Friends with benefits. I don't know. You're the one who doesn't wanna make it official I want to." He responded with a puzzled look on his face. I Stood on my tip-toes and kissed him again.

"You know why. But I like what we have right now."

"Me too Jenn, Me too." He looked at me and turned around. When he turned back around, he had a mustard mustache and beard.

"Come kiss me babe." He said and started chasing me around the house. I ran out back and hid by the pool. Bad idea. He ran up behind me quietly and threw me in.

"Should've kissed me, asshole" He laughed and helped me out.

"Jc I just want you to know that I honestly hate you so much" I said laughing. I gave him a huge, wet hug and he kissed me, getting mustard on me. I squealed. As we walked into the house, Andrea gave me a wink and a smile. She's so annoying but I love her. We walked past them and went straight to his room. Jc gave me a pair of his swsatpants, a young and reckless t-shirt and a bandana?

"What's this for?" I asked referring to the bamdana.

"I want you to wear it, with or without me, you're always going to be with me." it was navy blue and had white stars on it. I loved it a lot it was really nice of him. Wishbone (His Dog) ran in and jumped on me. Wishbone was the cutest dog ever.

"Hey Wishbone, she's mine" Jc said lifting Wishbone off of me. I looked at him and started laughing really hard. Jc is just perfect.

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