How could you do this to me!?

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So It's been a month since we decided to keeo our relationship a secret and I'm loving this idea. I am 17 right now so I'm not legally allowed to be with Jc but, I enjoy the time we spend together and I love being with him all the time. He is the most amazing, spontanious, observant, smart, funny, just perfect overall guy I have ever known. Besides, my first real boyfriend in like 9th grade. His name is Josh summers, but he's in the past now. Jc is my present and future. Today is my sleep in day but Jc asked to come over so you know, I told him he could come and we could just chill and yeah. He said he had a surprise for me so I'm excited to see what that is.

*2 Hours Later*

I heard the door bell ring and I hopped out of bed. I waited about 20 seconds though, I didn't wanna seem eager. I wore dinosaur slippers with some leggings and one of his shirts and my hair? kind of messy. I don't care how I look around Jc because our bond is that strong.

I opened the door and saw him standing there with one arm behind his back.

"Hey there love." Jc said all joyful.

"Hey puffer, come on in" I invited him in and led him to my room, no, not to be freaky, just to chill.

"So Jenn, if you wanna get technical we havr been dating for about 7 months now."

"uh huh...?"

"I just want you to know that even though we aren't officially dating, I like to think we are and I want you to know that I'm here to stay." He opened up a box which contained a promise ring. It was so gorgeous I started to cry.

"Jc, I was saving this up for when we hit a year but... since we are doing this now I guess..." I pulled out a box from under my bed and handed it to him.

"No. Fucking. Way. Jenn! No! You got me the penny board I've been saving up for!!!!" He pulled me in for a long kiss and squeezed me tight.

"I fucking love you Jenn Mcallister do you hear me!?" Those words made me so happy.

"I love you too Jc. " He pulled out his phone and we took a picture with our gifts and stuff, and Jc posted it on his instagram with the caption *Although we aren't together, you're still mine till the end of time ❥* About five minutes after that, I got a text from.... oh shit . Lia.


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