I've always been fond of you

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Jc brought me back to his place after our date was rudely intterupted by Cam, Nash, and Matt. Not gonna lie when I started watching Matt's videos I had a cyber crush on him and when I met him it grew but I'm glad him and I got a chance to be friends.

Nobody was at the new o2l house I assume they went out to get stuff for the house. Jc and I went on his roof which contains a mattress that we lay on to watch the stars which I love. But eventually we got hungry and unfortunately our picnic basket was with the three douchateers so we just ordered pizza and chilled in the main room playing Mario kart.

3 rounds in and I have gotten first place all three times, I could tell he was getting irritated so I let him win the fourth time.

"HEY HEY HEY" we heard coming from the entrance way, I expected it to be Kian or Ricky or even Connor who stops by sometimes but it was of course Nash, Cam, and Matt ... just great.

"How did you guys get in what the fuck!" Jc said scared half to death.

"The front door was open." cam said laughing. Jc looked at me ... guess I forgot to close the door all the way.

"We were about to go pick up our pizza so-"

"No worries Matt and I will go with you Nash and Jenn can stay." Cameron said cutting Jc off who was now staring me down I smiled to assure him that it was okay.

"Okay let's go then! Be back soon babe!" I blew him a kiss and then they were gone. After five minutes of awkward silence I got up off the couch and started walking to the kitchen but I couldn't move. Something had an extremely tight grip on my arm.. more like someone... named Nash Grier.

"Let go of me that hurts!" I screamed.

"No sit back down now." He demanded, why is he doing this to me?

"I've always been fond of you Jenn, did you know that?" I began to answer but he smacked me with the hand that wasn't holding me back.

"What the fuck wa-"

"Don't speak cutie just kiss me." He said and leaned in for a kiss. With the hand that was free I pushed his face back and managed to get out of his grip. I climbed out the kitchen window which was big enough for an elephant to climb through, and his behind the hottub.

Shortly after I saw a shadow heading right for me, ugh I'm so screwed and I don't know what to do.

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