So its official?

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I was awaken by my phone ringing it was from Jenn, the only call I wouldn't ignore besides my mom.

"Hello?" I said half asleep.

"You're voice is cute when you're sleeping." She giggled she was cute in general.

"Anyways, can you like come over? You can sleep here." I laughed and got out of bed I can tell something was bothering her.

"On my way." I said in a confident tone although I was still tired.

"Can't wait! see you soon." she said and hung up. I'm glad I'm the one she can turn to in her time of need.

I arrived at her place about 20minutes later. It was 2am so not many cars were out making it easier to drive quicker. I knocked on the door and when it opened, Jenn was standing there in some skinny leg sweats, a pullover hoodie, and her hair tied up for once and of course she still looked gorgeous.

"Kian!" she jumped on me. She was surprisingly light so it didn't hurt me as much as usual.

"What's up Jennifer?" I laughed walking into her living room.

"Do not call me that Kian what did I tell you about that!?" She slapped my arm and went into her room.

I awkwardly stood in her living room assuming she was coming back out.

"Dummy, are you coming?" She invited me into her room and so I went.

"So what made you call me over at 2am?" I said laying down.

"Read this message in your head it hurts me too much."

I never loved you. I don't want you. conceited bitch. It was a text from Jc to Jenn.

"That's terrible Jenn! what the fuck is wrong with him!" I screamed loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood luckily Andrea wasn't home. I think she went to meet up with Arden and Lauren wherever they were at least that's what she told me.

"I know." She began to cry and turned into my shoulder. I kissed her forehead and starting brushing her hand with my left hand.


Kian makes me feel so comfortable. He does stuff to/with me that Jc never would. I think I made a huge mistake choosing Jc over Kian, but I can't date Kian either because Andrea already did and it would be messed up to date my best friends ex. Although! I did have him first and she knows I did.

"So it's official huh? you and him are done?" he said out of the blue. I looked up at him and nodded my head. He looked over at me and I tried to control myself from just crashing my lips into his.

Nothing like usDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora