I just got you back

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HE KISSED ME ! HE KISSED ME! OH MY GOSH THE BUTTERFLIES, THE FIREWORKS WE KISSED FINALLY. I know we've kissed a million times before but ever since we broke up I've been hoping for this kiss. I've been waiting for this kiss.

We pulled away and stood there for a good minute just staring into each other's eyes.

"Babe?" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.


"I said do you wanna head down now?" he asked rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah, let's go."

We sat at the dinner table and I was asked a million questions by Jc's family.

"Where are you from?... What's your full name?... What are your hobbies?... Do you plan on being with Jc forever?" just a bunch of awkward or personal questions.

We got back into Jc's room and he sat me down and said some pretty deep shit let's see if I remember. Umm...

"Jenn, I love you and I really want you to know that. I just got you back and I don't want to lose you so please just tell me if there's anything I can do that will make me a better boyfriend. I can't go along screwing up anymore I need you I want you and only you whatever you want me to be I will be that." There was more but it was a lot to process at the time. I told him I wanted him to stay the way he was which made him happy and I loved seeing him happy. I can't imagine my life with him completely out of it. He is my life. I love him.

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