I guess I'm not good enough

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From: Asshole- I miss you Jenn I miss you so so much im somdumvksown

I woke up to the random text from Jc but I didn't respond. I had thr house to myself since andrea and the rest of o2l were in Hawaii. I was supposed to go with Jc but.. yeah I guess he went alone. I've seen a couple pics they posted, he wasn't with anyone. I knew Harrison was in town so I gave him a ring.

"Jenn, hey how are you?"

"Great haha what are you up to !?"

"I'm with sam right now but I could ditch him for a little."

"Yay, you ahould head to my place and we can decided from there. sam place as that party." We said our goodbyes and he should be here in half an hour. I decided to clean up a little and then make some food for us. Then, the door opened.

"JENNNNNNNNNNNNN" it was Arden and Lauren.

"Oh my god Jenn is cooking why?" Lauren asked.

"Harrison is coming over."

"Ooooh cutie. don't get too freaky. We will return." They left, of course without closing the door. You would think thwy would close the front door. I ran over to close the door, but felt a force push me back.


"HARRISSOOOONNNN" we hugged eachother tight. the first time a met Harrison was at vidcon 2013 I think. We were inseperable that whole day.

"I missed you Jenn"

"Who wouldn't miss you Harrison?" we caught up a little bit and ate the tacos I made us for lunch.

As it hit 6:30 we decided to go to the movies to see Spiderman 2. We literally spent $100.75 total for tickets and snacks. We found our seats in the very back and chilled as the trailers flew past.

"We should go to the premier of the fault in our stars together" He whispered to me. I nodded my head and looked into his eyes. The light from the theatre was dim and I just wanted to kiss him, but I didn't he doesnt like me. The movie started and the large popcorn we got was gone. We both got the blue rasberry icee and drank in unison which I found funny.

"Stop mocking me Harrison, I know you want to be like me but you're scaring me a little" I said laughing. He bit his lip omgomgomgnso hot.

"Hush up little one, you want to be like me." he giggled and held my hand. That was weird but I accepted it. He looked at me and then back to the screen. We are about an hour into the movie and all of out snacks are almost gone. Then, he reached in and took the last sour patch.

"Nonono I want it." He put it in his mouth and said,

"get it" he put it in between his teeth. I know this game, Jc and I used to do this all the time. I leaned in and bit the sour patch. He kissed me quick I guess he was scared that I would pull away or something. Harrison is fucking gorgeous though so I continued. Oh ya I had the sour patch in the end.

                                                *2 days later*

So, I guess I'm not good enough for Jc at all because a "#jia" pic was eeleased on twitter. That's cool I guess. Fuck my feelings right? I hate everyone and everything right now. I never should've started anything with Jc. UGHHHHHHHHH WHY!? why can't he be mine, I should be the girl yhere, not Lia. I really want to jump off of a fucking bridge right now. I can't deal with this shit.


Ricky posted a picture of Lia and I together on twitter by mistake and my entire fanbase is going insane.






It seems like people want #Jcpenny to be a real thing. But Jenn will never forgive me. I am with Lia anyways. This is stressful, and it's too late to take it down so whatever. I felt my phone vibrate and saw it was a text from Jenn.

From:LeWifey- You miss me? Yeah right Jc, delete my number and never talk to me again. I actually loved you. I was waiting until we hit a year to make it official because I was afraid to get hurt. I hate you Justin.

Jeez, I really should change her name in my phone, that text actually hit me hard. I feel like crying right now and I never cry. I really hurt her I'm such a dick. I should've never did what I did. She never broke up with me. She only asked me to leave. I overreacted and now I can't go back. I fucking hate myself for doing that to her. Why do I have to be such a bad person? I felt a pull on my shoulder and Ricky, Kian, and Andrea were freaking out.

"JENN'S IN THE HOSPITAL!" They all said in unison. I dropped my bag and ran as fast as I could to the airport ( with help from the uber ) Luckily there was a flight right as I got there. There were only tickets for first class which were extremely overpriced but, I had to pay for Jenn. She is worth it. One problem though... does this mean I choose Jenn?

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