Are we there yet?

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So, I have a new girlfriend now! Her name is Veronica and if you watch my confessing my love video then you'll know her. She's practically perfect in every way and although I'm not in love with her yet, I care about her a lot. No she isn't a rebound from Jenn either.

I arrived at Veronica's house 10 minutes early and of course she wasn't ready yet, so I waited until she finally arrived 10 minutes late.

"Kian! Can you tell me where we're going now!" She laughed excitedly entering the car.

"Nope. Put this on tight no peeking." I handed her a bandana to cover her eyes. She laughed and put it on. The car ride was surprisingly silent. I say that because she can talk like there's no tomorrow although, that's one of the many cute things about her.

"Kian! Kian! Kian! Kian!" She yelled trying to annoy me.

"Not gonna work babe." I added to tease her.

"Are we there yet?"

I pulled in to a parking spot and got out of the car to open her door.

"Take off your blindfold." She looked around in confusion and then she saw it.

"Is that... Is that just for us?" She started to cry and I led her to the helicopter I rented. Her father used to fly helicopters in the military but he died. Before he died, he promised her he would take her in a helicopter but he never got the chance to.

"I love it Kian, thank you." She jumped up and kissed me and I must say it felt pretty damn good. I was never able to take Jenn on dates. Okay Kian stop thinking about Jenn.

We jumped in the helicopter and fastened our seatbelt and put our helmets on that had mics attached to them.

"You guys ready for take off?" The pilot asked. We both nodded and suddenly we were in the sky.

A/N: I will be uploading two chapters every Thursday and Saturday!

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