He's gone now.

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"Hey Andrea.." I said scratching the back of my head, this is awkward.

"Wow so you two... uh wow." Andrea said as tears were forming in her eyes.

"No no Andrea we fell asleep that's all!" Jenn responded.

"With the occasional make out" I whispered so only Jenn could hear with led her to smack my sore hand.

"Oh, well I mean.. well uh hey did you hear about Jc?" Andrea quickly said trying to change the subject.

"What happened to him?" I was quite confused considering I saw him about 12 hours ago.

"He went back to Texas for a couple of weeks." My mouth dropped open and so did Jenn's did we make him do that? He's gone now. He's really gone.


I grabbed wishbone and headed to the airport. No Jenn, No Kian, I'm slowly but surely losing everyone and I can't handle it anymore. I'm going back home for a little to clear my mind and get my shit together. I turned on my phone to see a picture of Jenn and I kissing, meaning it was time to change my lock screen because she dumped me. At least that's what it feels like.

The whole plane ride I just could not stop thinking about Jenn. It didn't help that wishbone was so attached to her that when I thought about him she would magically pop up. It sucks not having her in my life. I need her in my life. I wanted her to stay with me and not Kian. Why would she choose him!!

Because he treats her better and you're just a dick. My conscience added. It's true though, Kian's always treated people better than me. I just wish the same didn't apply to Jenn.

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