I'll Find You

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They say don't get bitter, get better
I'm working on switching those letters
But tell God I'mma need a whole lot of hope keeping it together
----I'll Find You, LeCrae ft.  Tori Kelly

October 3, 2017

"Holy shit," Luke's voice was loud enough to make Cait jump.  "Did you see that dunk he just threw down?  He annihilated Jack!"

Cait smiled.  She and Luke were on the phone while simultaneously watching the live stream of Duke basketball practice.  "He looks amazing."  She couldn't keep the slight laughter out of her voice. 

"Amazing is an understatement." Luke was still yelling as Grayson hit a three.  "He's fucking on fire.  He's outscored the blue team singlehandedly."

Cait knew it was just one scrimmage, just one very early season practice, but tears stung her eyes.  It was so good to see Grayson look like that.  He looked healthy.  And happy.

It had only been two days since she had seen him, but she'd still rearranged her training schedule a bit to be able to watch this.  When Luke texted her about it, they'd agreed to watch together.  Or, as together as you could be with one of them in Michigan and one in Colorado.

"God, I miss him," Cait had whispered the words, not intending for Luke to hear them.  But he did.

"Hey, you'll see him soon," Luke said.  "If you wanna feel sorry for someone, how about me? I don't know when I'm gonna see either one of you."

"My heart bleeds for you, Lulu."  The sarcasm was obvious.  "Must be tough being in the NBA, cashing your checks and hanging out in Detroit."

"It's not so great," Luke insisted.  "I'm here all alone.  And I'm going to be sitting the bench.  I really do envy G getting another year at Duke."

"Uh, Luke, if you feel that way, you could have, oh, I don't know, stayed."  Cait sounded frustrated.  "You aren't sorry you left, so stop begging for sympathy."

Luke laughed.  "I guess I should have known better than to try that with you."

"Damn straight," Cait grumbled.

They continued to talk as they watched the rest of the scrimmage, Luke occasionally yelling in her ear again. Finally, Cait sighed. "I gotta get back at it, Lulu. Talk soon?"

"Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna text G, but if you talk to him tonight tell him that he was awesome."

"He has a bunch of media to do after practice, so he might not text back for awhile." Cait was biting her lip. "Hopefully that goes okay. But I'll tell him. Take care of yourself. Love you."

"Love you too, Caitie." Luke signed off.

Cait sighed and reached for her ski boots.


Grayson finished the last interview and finally made his way off the court.  As tired as he was of talking about the past, he at least felt like he had better answers for the questions now.

He spotted Coach K waiting for him down the hallway and smiled.  Coach was staying on his case, making sure he stayed focused; centered, to use Cait's word. 

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