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I know we about to have a good time
'Cause I got all my friends with me
I know everything's gonna be fine
'Cause I got all my friends with me
——Friends, Meghan Trainor

April 10, 2018

He missed her. God, it was pathetic, but he did. He'd only been gone just over twenty four hours and he was miserable.

He had a lot of time to think. Not that he wasn't busy, because he was, but he had time at night to just stare at the ceiling of the hotel room and think about her. He should have been exhausted by the workouts and all the mental preparation they had him doing, but he couldn't seem to shut off his brain.

He needed to figure out how to ask her to marry him.  He knew he was overthinking this, that it didn't have to be perfect.  But he wanted it to be special, wanted her to know how much it meant to him, how much she meant to him.

Grayson rolled over and punched the pillow.  She knew.  He knew she knew.  He'd just flown across an ocean to tell her.  But asking her to marry him should be a big deal. 

He had no clue where to start, but he needed to try to figure it out. Then he remembered the conversation with Jack and J-Rob.  Find a song.  That should be easy enough.


She missed him. It was ridiculous. They'd been apart for weeks or months in the the past. This was just a week. And she was busy. She had finals coming up soon. And she was going to New York in a couple of days.

Being fitted for a dress wasn't really her idea of a good time, but she and Rae were going to stay together in her apartment. Joan had tried to persuade them to stay in the Park Avenue residence, but Cait and Rae wanted to stay up all night and talk and giggle together, without parents. They wanted to shop again, when they had more time. It was going to be a girls' weekend. Luke was going to visit his family in Franklin, his season would be over. He and Rae would make a visit to Durham soon.

But right now, Cait was more concerned with the fact that this house felt so empty when Grayson wasn't here. She wasn't all that used to being here without him. And she didn't like it. Tyler was decent company, but not quite the same.

And it wasn't like she didn't have plenty of human company too.  Grayson's former teammates were constantly stopping by for no apparent reason.  She didn't mind, exactly.  But sometimes it made her miss him more. 

Cait sighed.  She had to pull herself together.  They would have to spend short amounts of time apart.  That was reality.  And she needed to deal with it.

April 11, 2018

Cait was in the middle of her run on the treadmill on a rainy, drizzly late afternoon in Durham. She'd put off her workout, hoping the weather would clear and she could get some fresh air, but it hadn't. She was a couple of miles into her run when she heard the telltale pounding on the door over the sound of her music.  She cursed quietly under her breath, punched the button to stop the machine and headed for the door.

She opened it to see five of Grayson's former teammates standing there, holding pizza boxes.  "Um, guys?" She raised an eyebrow at them.  "What's up?"

"Can we hang out here for a little while?" Justin asked.  "They're doing construction in the apartment building and it's loud."

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