Family is Family

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You'd wash your hands of them, but blood's always thicker
You might look just like 'em, but that don't mean you're like 'em
——Family is Family, Kacey Musgraves

May 13, 2018

Cait woke slowly and smiled at the weight of Grayson's arm around her. She knew he'd been tired the night before, having flown in on the red eye, but he'd been determined not to waste their night together. And they certainly had not wasted it.

She probably should have been more excited about graduation today, but given that she still had classes to finish, she wasn't. She was just glad that Grayson was here.

It would have been cool for she and Grayson to graduate together.  She knew he'd contemplated not participating last year, once he decided to stay at Duke, but he'd earned the right to graduate early and she'd been proud of him. And it had gotten her back from Canada.

She managed to roll over and curl herself into the wall that was his chest, smiling at the feel of his well-defined pecs and abs under her fingers as she moved her hands over him.  She loved the way his warm skin felt under her fingertips.

"You keep touching me that way and you'd better be prepared to pick up where we left off last night." Grayson's sleepy mumble made her smile even bigger.

"I'm ready when you are." Her throaty whisper made his breath catch.  She nuzzled closer to him, her mouth against his collarbone.  She pressed a few kisses to it, then ran her tongue along it before biting gently.  "You awake yet, or are you still on Pacific time?" she asked softly.

"Yes to both," Grayson murmured, feeling Cait's sweet, soft mouth follow the path her fingers had taken.  "But at least one part of my anatomy doesn't seem to care what time I think it is."

"That's convenient," Cait whispered against his skin. "At the moment, that's the part I'm most interested in."

Eventually, Cait got out of bed. She let Grayson snooze a bit and got in the shower. But she emerged wrapped in one of the plush hotel robes to find him in the other one with a tray from room service.

"Luke and Rae ordered breakfast for us," he said with a smile. "That had to be all her. He's never that thoughtful. Or maybe he's just happy that we weren't all in the house together last night."

Cait returned the smile, but her heartbeat picked up at the sight of a still sleepy Grayson wrapped in the robe, hair disheveled and a bit of scruff on his jaw.  She just gazed at him for a minute, unable to speak.

"What?" Grayson looked at her.  "Are you okay?"

"No," she said softly.  "You render me speechless sometimes, Allen.  Which is really saying something. I love you so much.  And I want to wake up like this every day."

Grayson set the tray down and walked toward her.  "I want that too," he whispered.  "I want that so much.  And forever.  I love you too."

He pulled her into a hug, just holding her and running his hand up and down her back.  Finally, he smiled down at her.  "By my schedule, we have just enough time to eat, spend just a little more time in bed, and then get out of here and get you graduated.  Whattya say?"

"I say we cut the time for breakfast in half and double the time in bed." She smiled back.

"I like your schedule better," he grinned. 

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