Giving You the Best That I Got

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Everybody's got opinions
About the way they think our story's gonna end
Some folks feel it's just a superficial thrill
Everybody's gonna have to think again
----Giving You the Best that I Got, Anita Baker

Grayson started out hot, scored eight quick points, and they never looked back.  He finished with 22, most of which he scored in the first half before taking a seat on the bench for a fair amount of the second half. Marvin was spectacular, scoring 25 and Elon never knew what hit them.

It felt great.  As he sat on the bench, Grayson realized that he was glad to be there, glad to be at Duke. That he didn't want to be anywhere else right now. 

He also realized the differences between last year and this year.  They were a whole new team.  He'd wondered what it would be like to be in a game without Amile and Matt.  He'd thought it would be tough to play without Luke.  But as much as he loved those guys, he was having a blast with this team.  He loved these knuckleheads.  The freshies just went out and played.  They didn't get nervous or tight.  They did their thing.  They listened to him and they looked to him, but they were confident in themselves.  It was so much fun to be on the court with this group.

He'd made the right decision, staying for this year.  He'd known it all along but tonight he felt it in his heart. 
He dealt with the media as quickly as he could, glad that Elon was out of the way.  Hopefully, he could move on from the questions about last season after this. There were a few questions about Cait, about her interview that morning and Grayson answered them as patiently as he could.  Yes, he'd known what she was going to say, they'd discussed it beforehand.  No, the reports of her having a relationship with Luke weren't true.  Yes, they were very much together and had been for awhile.  They'd only decided to acknowledge it publicly because of the incorrect speculation of some irresponsible media.  Otherwise, they really weren't sure why anyone would care.  He was relieved when one reporter took pity and asked him about the game instead.

After he was done with his media stuff and had changed, Grayson emerged from the locker room to find Cait waiting for him. Oddly enough, she was hugging Brennan. Once she let go of him, it looked like Brennan was lecturing her and Cait was actually nodding along. Weird.

She'd sent the parents on their way, pointing out that he had another game tomorrow and needed to rest. They'd agreed to meet for brunch the next day.

Grayson had kissed her in the private hallways of Cameron many times. But this time, he slid an arm around her and they headed out together. There were still fans outside and he high fived a few, posed for some pictures and signed a few autographs. But he told a couple of young fans that they really should want his girlfriend's autograph, rather than his. Cait just rolled her eyes affectionately. "Really, she's got two Olympic gold medals," Grayson told the kids, who looked at Cait in awe.

Security eventually asked them to keep moving and they made it to Cait's car. There were still plenty of fans around and Grayson couldn't resist giving her a lingering kiss before he opened the passenger door for her. He made his way around to the driver's side and they were off.

"How'd you get rid of the parentals?" he asked as they drove toward her house. 

"You complaining?" She raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Not at all," he grinned at her.  "As much as I love them, I haven't seen you in a month.  And I've been thinking a lot about this whole obsession that I seem to have with making sure everyone knows you're mine."

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