She Sets The City On Fire

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Somebody told me
If I'm not careful, well, this one's gonna roll me
I got my hands full and this one's gonna own me and control me
I'm so mystified
——She Sets the City on Fire, Gavin DeGraw

May 16, 2018

Summer session classes seriously sucked. They were long. And Cait had to readjust to sitting in a classroom again. And she had to try to focus on her professors instead of thinking about her fiancé, which was increasingly challenging.

The combine started today and she was anxious, probably more so than Grayson was. She knew he'd prepared for it. But she wanted him to do well. Luke had been in Chicago for the draft lottery the night before and had promised to talk to Grayson and see how he was feeling. 

She also knew that the combine was mostly being measured, weighed, photographed and interviewed. She had no doubt he'd ace the IQ tests. And Grayson loved going through workouts. He was twisted that way. He was such a gym rat.

When she finally got home, she quickly scoured the Internet for any news or impressions, without finding much. Today was just about off court stuff. She knew Grayson would call when he could and she'd have to be content with that.

She was about to go for a run to try to clear her head when there was a knock on the door. She frowned. All the guys had gone home.

Another messenger, this one with a large envelope. Cait opened the door with a sigh. She was annoyed, but was trying not to take it out on the poor guy that was just doing his job.

She signed for the envelope, although she thought about refusing it, and closed the door. Then she debated just throwing the damn thing in the trash. But for reasons she couldn't understand, she opened it.

The photos slid out and Cait gasped in shock. She hadn't seen them in over a year. The feelings of anger and utter helplessness that she'd had back then returned. And there were others, obviously taken at the airport the previous Saturday. With shaking fingers she opened the enclosed letter. It was simple.

Caitlin -

Hopefully, the enclosed will persuade you that it's past time that you and I had a conversation.  I'll expect you on Friday afternoon at half past two.

It needn't have gotten to this point, but for your obstinacy.

Grandmother Morgan

Once she caught her breath, Cait stared at the photos. Some of them really were amazing, she thought wryly. Others were downright embarrassing. But she still wasn't willing to be held hostage by them.

But she had to consider Grayson. She chewed her thumbnail as her busy mind tried to process the possible scenarios.

She decided to run. Running always helped her think. But clearly her grandmother had spies around. So she went to the treadmill.

After five miles, she'd calmed down and was thinking more clearly. She called her father and talked to him. And she sent a text to Aaron and when he called her, they had a long conversation, with Cait giving him the entire history of the photographs and explaining what she planned to do.

"Damn," Aaron let out a low whistle. "I got off easy.  Grayson is one brave SOB if he ever crosses you."

"Grayson and I have other ways of settling our issues," Cait laughed. "And I'm not sure exactly how this will unfold, but I won't do anything without your buy in. The very last thing I want is for any of this to hurt him. And there are no guarantees that this works. The pictures could still get out."

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