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We made it through hell and back again
We were slipping through the cracks, staring at the end
Oh, and we brave the weather
Hurricane, couldn't take you from me
I'm holding on tight and I still believe
Oh, yeah it just gets better

----Hurricane, Lifehouse

March 31, 2018

Cait had actually hugged Brian goodbye, which Grayson could tell made him a bit uncomfortable.  But he'd grinned at Grayson and thanked him repeatedly for getting Cait out of his hair.  And he'd invited them to come back sometime to see Blue Devil race.  "But I could certainly do without the drama," he told them.  Cait had hugged him again and he whispered in her ear.  "Be happy, baire.  And invite me to the wedding.  I wouldn't mind a trip to the states."

It was only about 11:00 a.m. in Ireland, and Grayson was stunned to realize that he'd only been in the country for about thirty hours.  "Can we come back sometime and be tourists?" he asked as they boarded the Gulfstream.

"Sure," Cait smiled at him.  "I'd love that."

"Now that I'm learning to speak the language, it could be fun," Grayson grinned at her, causing Cait to roll her eyes.  Brian had spent most of the drive to the airport teaching Grayson some Irish slang, just so he could annoy her.  "Can we snog on the plane?" he giggled.

"I don't think that means what you think it means," Cait shook her head at him.  "Snog is kiss, not the other thing."

"I'll settle for that," he grinned.  "'Cause if I tell you that you're quite a ride, I might get to the other thing."

"Not bloody likely," she muttered.

"It just means you're super sexy," Grayson lowered his voice now.  "But if you prefer to make it dirty, it still applies."

"I'm going to kill Brian for teaching you this stuff."  She shook her head at him again.

Before Grayson could continue to demonstrate his mastery of Irish idioms, the co-pilot appeared to do the preflight briefing. As he finished the briefing he smiled at them. "We'll be in New York in about seven and a half hours," he noted. "That should be around 1:30 p.m. local time."

Grayson saw Cait's expression but before she could comment, he piped up with a thank you and a grin.

"Why're we going to New York?" she turned to Grayson.  "Didn't you tell them we should go to Durham?"

"Nope," Grayson was still grinning.  "We're going to New York.  I called your dad, who wasn't entirely thrilled about being woken up, but who agreed to get us seats for Luke's games in New York this weekend."  Grayson had asked for another favor too, but she didn't need to know about that.  "You and Luke need to make nice. And your dad was apparently planning to fly to New York today too and he said he'd like to see you.  Plus, I wanted to go to our apartment.  I've been looking forward to staying there together."

"You realize tomorrow is Easter, right?" she asked.

"Yeah," he glanced at her. 

"You realize that I literally have jeans and old sweaters and nothing even remotely appropriate to wear," she frowned.

"Cait, it's New York," Grayson told her.  "I bet you can find clothes.  And at least you've got these boots you have on." She was wearing the black suede ones again. "They're quite a ride."  Grayson's dorky giggle spilled out.

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