I Want Crazy

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I'm booking myself a one way flight
I gotta see the color in your eyes
And telling myself I'm gonna be alright
Without you baby is a waste of time
----I Want Crazy, Hunter Hayes

November 12, 2017

"What time is your dad going to be here?" Grayson asked, still trying to catch his breath.

Cait nuzzled in closer to him.  "Any time now," she murmured.

"Don't you think we should get dressed?" He raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Spoilsport," she sniffed at him.  "I was hoping you were up for another round."

Grayson's jaw dropped and he looked over at her.  "Luke interrupting us is one thing.  Your dad is quite another."

"You worry too much," she breathed as she slid on top of him. 
Cait sat back in the seat on the jet, wiping a few tears, fingers on the necklace that graced her throat. Leaving him never got easier, even though she knew she would see him soon. That would be different.  They wouldn't have their bed to retreat to.

As the ground fell away underneath her she finally took a deep breath.  She turned to see her father's eyes on her.  "Okay, Princess?"  he asked.

"Never easy to leave him," she sighed.  "Fortunately, I don't have to do it too much longer."

Jack frowned slightly.  "What are you going to do after the Games?"  He couldn't imagine Cait being happy just waiting around for Grayson, no matter how much she loved him.

Cait took a breath and then explained her plan for finishing her degree.  Jack was surprised to say the least, but he just nodded. "And then what?"

"I, uh, well, I'm going to go with Grayson, wherever he is," she said quietly.  "I can't do the distance thing anymore, Dad.  We need to be together."

Jack wasn't surprised by that.  But he had to ask.  "Does this mean I should start saving for a wedding?"

Cait snorted.  "Like that's gonna make a dent in your bank account?  But no, no wedding right away."  She looked at him apprehensively now. "I'm going to live with him, but we're not getting married yet."

Jack's frown was more pronounced now.  "I'm not sure how I feel about that, Caitlin."

"We're just not ready yet," she sighed. "We're still young. Gray's gonna have a big adjustment and we need time to just be together without all the stress of a wedding and a marriage. There's always been a clock on our time together. I just wanna enjoy being with him," Cait said softly. "I don't expect everyone to like it, but I hope you can respect our decision."

Jack was still frowning. "He told me he was going to marry you."

"He will. When the time is right. Dad, please trust me on this," Cait said. "We've talked about it. I don't need you hassling him about this." She stared her father down.  "Especially not now.  He's got enough to worry about with the season underway and all this crap about the two of us."

Jack clenched his jaw, but then he looked at his daughter, who was giving him the eyes.  It was the same look she'd given him when she wanted her first pair of skis, her first horse, her first car and that dumb cat. 

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