Brand New

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I feel for the first time in a long time I am not afraid
I feel like a kid, never thought I'd feel like this
Like when I close my eyes and don't even care if anyone sees me dancing
Like I can fly and don't even think of touching the ground
----Brand New, Ben Rector

October 7, 2017

Grayson awoke to a tickle across his face and loud purring.  Unfortunately, it wasn't his kitten that was purring, it was Tyler.  "Aw, he missed you," Cait smirked at him from the doorway to her bathroom.

Grayson groaned and pulled the pillow over his head.  "I didn't miss him," was the muffled reply.  "I swear he bit me last night."

"That was me, dumbass."  He heard Cait's laughter.

He sprang out of bed, scaring the cat, and grabbed her.  "I definitely know the difference between you biting me and that stupid cat," he said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.  He buried his face in her neck and Cait felt him nibbling on her skin.  Her laughter turned to a soft moan until Grayson blew a huge wet raspberry.  She started squirming in his grasp and laughing so hard that tears were running down her cheeks. 

"S-stop, you b-big dork," she giggled out.  Grayson finally lifted his head.  His strong arms still held her tight, but he was laughing almost as hard as she was.  "I gotta get ready to ski.  And if I'm late, Phil will be after your ass," she told him.

Grayson's giggles died down, but he was still smiling that smile that gave her unholy thoughts. "Does that mean I can't drag you back to bed?"

"God, you're insatiable," she laughed.  "The hot tub, the shower and the bed last night weren't enough?"

"Hey, the hot tub was your idea," he pointed out.  "It was a good one though," he grinned down at her.

Cait turned in his arms.  "It was, wasn't it?"  She smiled at him.  "Maybe we can do that again tonight."

"I'm holding you to that, Callahan. Thank goodness your dad had to go to New York." His dorky smile still made her knees weak.

"I'm calling you now because I know Cait is skiing," Luke started before he even said hello. "For once, I don't wanna interrupt."

Grayson laughed. "Good call, man. I'd like you to not interrupt too."

"You looked amazing on Tuesday. Like, unreal, G. I felt sorry for Jack," Luke couldn't help but smile. It was so good to see Grayson that way and to hear the happiness in his voice.

"You haven't looked so bad yourself there, superstar." Grayson had watched Luke's first pre-season game. He'd had to check the box score from last night. As much as he loved Luke, someone else was more important. "Ready to set the league on fire, brother."

"Let's not get too excited. I'll be glad if I get off the bench," Luke sighed. "And you'll be the one setting the league on fire next year."

"Hey, one thing at a time, man," Grayson chuckled. "I just wanna get through this season with no issues. I'll think about the rest later."

"You're gonna be fine, G.  You're in such a good place right now," Luke smiled.  "How's Cait looking?"

"If I knew shit about skiing, I could answer that," Grayson laughed.  "She looks good to me, but then she always looks good to me."

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