Let's Hurt Tonight - Part 2

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So you hit the lights and I'll lock the doors
Let's say all of the things that we couldn't before
Won't walk away, won't roll my eyes
They say love is pain, well darling let's hurt tonight
If this love is pain then honey let's
love tonight
——Let's Hurt Tonight, One Republic

March 30, 2018

Grayson had hoped she'd smile a bit at his pronouncement, but she just looked guilty.  "I deserve that," she said quietly.  "Honestly, I deserve whatever you want to throw at me."

Grayson sighed softly and moved closer to slide an arm around her.  "Kitten," he said softly, "we'll get through this, just like we do everything else.  Together.  I love you.  And there's one more thing you said to me that I absolutely should have said back.  I can live without anything, as long as I don't have to live without you."  He tilted her face and kissed the tears from her eyes.  "You were always so good about saying that stuff to me and I didn't tell you nearly enough that I feel exactly the same way.  But I do."

Cait let out a shaky breath and nodded.  "I'm so sorry to have put you through all this.  I shouldn't have left."

"Hey, I've always wanted to see another country," Grayson told her.  "But I do have a question.  Do they have showers in this country?"

Cait managed a small smile.  "Of course."

"Well, thank goodness for that," he scrunched his face up at her.  "Because you smell like the southbound end of a northbound horse right now."

Cait rolled her eyes at him.  "I actually have to go back to the stables and check on things, since Brian isn't here.  And Blue Devil is working out this afternoon. Would you like to see your horse in action?" she asked.  When he hesitated, she rolled her eyes again.  "You don't have to get too close.  I promise."

She stood and held her hand out to him.  And Grayson wrapped his long fingers around hers and held on tight.


"Can I ask another dumb American question?" Grayson asked as they watched Blue Devil going through his paces on the practice oval.  Cait had a stopwatch and clipboard and was making notes. 

"Sure," she managed a smile.  "You can ask all the dumb American questions you want.  I might even have answers."

"Do y'all got any food in this country?" Grayson grinned at her.  "I'm starving."

Cait actually laughed at that.  "Y'know what, Baby Boy, now that you mention it, I'm actually hungry too.  Lucky for you that when Brian woke me up at the butt crack of dawn, I couldn't go back to sleep.  So I cooked.  Let's go up to the house."

Cait handed off the clipboard and stopwatch and gave some instructions.  As they were leaving, the rider approached on Blue Devil.  "This one runs like the very devil is chasin' 'em," the boy grinned at Cait.  "You named him well, Miss Caitlin."

Cait smiled.  "He's temperamental, just like his owner," she tossed Grayson a look as the horse danced impatiently at the apple Cait was reaching for.  When she hesitated, Blue Devil shook his head and grabbed at her ponytail.  "A smart ass when he's hungry too," she laughed and gave him the apple.  "Make sure he gets a good rub down and plenty of water," she told the boy who nodded eagerly.

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