Say Something

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Everyone knows all about my direction
And in my heart somewhere I wanna go there
Still I don't go there
Everybody says say something
Say something, say something
——Say Something, Justin Timberlake f. Chris Stapleton

April 16, 2018

Cait glanced at the time on her phone for what felt like the hundredth time.  Grayson was coming back today and she was anxious to see him.  But the clock was crawling.

She'd gotten up and done her workout and told herself that she should get her school work out of the way for the day so that she could spend time with him when he got home.  His parents would be arriving in a couple of days for the banquet, and as much as she looked forward to seeing them, she was happy that she'd have Grayson mostly to herself for a couple of days.

She and Rae had managed some shopping in New York, at least once they sobered up from their wine.  But she knew she'd never laughed so hard in her whole life as she had that night.  And their shopping excursion had netted a new dress for the banquet and matching bracelets for the two of them, among other things.  They'd also managed a few hours at a spa too. 

She'd texted Wendell, knowing his announcement today would be emotional and just giving him some encouragement. Out of all the kids, Wendell was having the most difficulty leaving Duke behind, but she knew he was also smart enough to know what he needed to do. Now she forced herself to go back to Advanced Finance and stop worrying about Wendell. Forced herself to stop thinking about laughing and shopping with her best friend.  And to stop thinking about the fact that Grayson would be home in a few hours.  Talking with Rae was fun, but it only made her miss him more.


Grayson was glad to be home.  And he'd be here for the week.  The banquet was on Thursday, so his parents would be arriving.  And he'd have to give a speech.  He wasn't necessarily looking forward to that.

But right now, he was more concerned with making up for a long week apart from his girlfriend.  He was still struggling with how to get from "girlfriend" to "fiancée," but he wanted to set that aside for a little bit.

He arrived home in the afternoon and found Cait busily finishing up an assignment.  The kitchen smelled great though.  She obviously had dinner in the oven or the crockpot.

She smiled up at him, accepted his kiss.  "Give me ten minutes and this will be done.  I'll be all yours for the rest of the day."

"That's the best thing I've heard in a long time," Grayson grinned at her. He headed upstairs with his bag.

She finished the assignment and closed her laptop. She was straightening up her papers and books when she felt the hands on her hips, the lips at her temple. "Missed you," he murmured.

"Missed you too," she smiled at him. "A lot."

"You were busy gettin' sauced with Rae," he smirked as he turned her.

"That was fun," she laughed. "But I'd rather get sauced with you."

"Mhmm, that would be nice," he bit his lip as he looked down at her. "We never seem to both get lit at the same time. Maybe later. Right now, I've got an even better idea." He leaned in and whispered to her. She actually started to squirm a bit, as his hot breath bathed her ear.

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