Head Over Boots

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The way you sparkle like a diamond ring
Maybe one day we can make it a thing
Test time and grow old together
Rock in our chairs and talk about the weather
——Head Over Boots, Jon Pardi

April 19, 2018

Cait was proud of him.  Not just of the awards, but the way he handled it.  He smiled all evening, cracked jokes and looked happy. 

She felt like he finally had peace about his time at Duke, he'd done what he needed to do, learned what he needed to learn.  And he seemed ready to move on. 

And he'd told her he was counting on her not crying during his speech, so she didn't.  She smiled.  She watched him on stage, her heart beating a bit faster.  He looked so handsome in a suit, even though she knew he'd rather be in shorts and a t-shirt. And she was proud of him for getting through it without crying himself, although she knew it was difficult for him.

For tonight, she resolved not to worry about the future.  They loved each other. They had plenty to look forward to and plenty of time to get there, so she could just appreciate the moment. 


The knuckleheads had gotten him thinking.  He needed to figure something out.  And as he sat in Cameron for the banquet, an idea struck him and he suddenly realized exactly where he wanted to propose.  And he thought about what Luke had said to him.  Find something that was them.  A plan started to form.

He glanced over at the girl beside him, studied her for a minute while she was talking to his mother. She looked healthy again, so much better than she had.  He'd watched the kids hug her and watched her mother them, straightening their ties, smoothing their jackets and smiling at them. Her eyes sparkled and in that dress, she made his knees weak.  God, he loved her. It was almost frightening how much.

It was time to figure this out.  He had an idea, but he'd need some help.  Not from Cait's father.  But maybe he could get a small assist from her godfather.

April 20, 2018

Grayson's parents were staying through the weekend, his mother declaring that she wanted to make sure Cait was finally well.  He knew they also wanted to spend time with him before all the draft craziness got into full swing. And Sherry wanted to ask her son about his plans for that ring she'd carried around Omaha.

Cait had gone for a run and Grayson had fielded his mother's inquiries, telling her that he and Cait were fine and promising that it would all get done soon.  He finally had the beginning of a plan.  Now he just needed to firm up the details and he still needed a song. 

He headed over to talk to Coach, having checked to make sure he was around.  He knew all the coaches would be headed out on the recruiting trail soon, but he caught him early, just before he left.  Cait had gotten back from her run, complaining about how much getting back into shape sucked. But she was going to take his mom shopping. He and his dad were going to hit the golf course with Justin and his dad that afternoon. 

Right now, Grayson was sitting across from his coach, explaining that he needed one last favor.  They consulted the calendar and settled on a day when Grayson would be back in town.  Coach K had looked at him like he was crazy at first, but he'd relented, shaking his head, and told Grayson that while it might be one of the stranger requests he'd gotten from one of his former players, at least it wasn't the most difficult.

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