Sometimes A Fantasy

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When am I gonna take control get ahold of my emotions
Why does it only seem to hit me in the middle of the night
You told me there's a number I can always dial for assistance
I don't want to deal with outside action
Only you can give me satisfaction
----Sometimes A Fantasy, Billy Joel

October 13, 2017

Grayson looked across the lounge at his teammates. "Are you kidding me? You want to go see a Stephen King movie on Friday the 13th?"

"C'mon, G!" Gary shook his head at him. "We can't stay out too late because we've got practice tomorrow morning. A movie is a great idea."

"A creepy clown movie? I think not," Grayson frowned.

"Stop being such a dad," Tre rolled his eyes at him. "We'll even buy the popcorn."

Grayson ran a hand into his hair. He hated scary movies and Stephen King stuff was at the top of the list. But when had he become the dad of the team? That was supposed to be Matt. But Matt wasn't here anymore.

The freshmen had been working their asses off and they deserved a bit of a reward. Countdown was only a week away and Grayson knew that they'd all be getting busier from here on out.

"Okay, okay. But no one is allowed to make fun of me if I scream," he huffed.

Grayson was wide awake.  The movie was bad enough, but that wasn't the only reason that he wasn't able to sleep.  His mind kept drifting back to the week before, to Cait. 

One week ago, he'd been stretched out beside her, holding her, listening to her sleep.  She made cute little snuffling noises in her sleep sometimes.  He missed that.  He missed her. 

The buzzing of his phone pulled him from his thoughts.  He smiled when he saw her name and picture on the screen.  "Kitten, it's the middle of the night.  Everything okay?" 

"Just missed you.  Did I wake you up?"  Her voice was quiet.

"No, your spidey sense must have been working because I was laying here wide awake thinking that I miss you."  He smiled slightly.  "At least, that's what I was thinking when I wasn't busy being terrified.    The freshies made me go see It tonight, last night, whatever."

Cait laughed.  "You hate scary movies.  Why didn't you tell them to go by themselves?"

"Tre told me to stop being a dad," Grayson said drily.

"But you'd be such a sexy dad," Cait breathed.  "I can totally picture you as the hot dad that makes all the soccer moms swoon."

Grayson laughed.  "Oh, yeah?  Who's your daddy, baby girl?"

Cait was laughing now too.  "Not sure I'm willing to call you daddy," she giggled, "at least not yet.  Someday maybe."

Grayson grinned.  "I'd love that someday.  Because just imagine what a hot mama you'd be."

"Well, we might not be making babies for awhile," Cait smiled, "but we're certainly good at practicing the process."

Grayson chuckled.  "Practice makes perfect."

"Mmm hmm," Cait breathed.  "So let's talk about that."

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