Far Away

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I've loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go
Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore
——Far Away, Nickelback

January 23, 2018

The games were coming faster now, the season rolling along.  Grayson had to try to stop and catch his breath sometimes, to try to remind himself that he was supposed to enjoy this season, was supposed to cherish it because it was the last one at Duke. 

But in the few quiet moments that he had, he found that he was usually looking forward, instead of reflecting on the crazy ride of his four years here.  Certainly, being at Duke had changed his life forever.  He was a totally different person from the shy, scared 18-year-old that had arrived in Durham. 

He never could have imagined the ride he was getting on, even in his wildest dreams.  But he couldn't regret it.  He'd found so many things here. 

His best friends, his brothers, really. A second father in Coach.  Incredible highs, devastating lows.  And the love of his life.  All of that, because he'd chosen this school. 

But that last one was the one troubling him at the moment.  Caitlin Morgan Callahan had done as much to impact him as any of the rest.  And now he was worried about their future.

Cait had won Super G on Sunday.  After winning Downhill on Saturday.  She'd officially been named to the Olympic team for those two events, was considered a strong contender to medal in both. And now Grayson was scared.

Cait was a competitor, every bit as much as he was.  She was one of the few people he'd ever met that could match his competitive fire.  It was absolutely part of her make up. 

It was only fitting that they'd finally been able to express their attraction for each other through a hotly contested game.  Luke still teased him about Strip Two Bounce, but it was so them.  Neither one had been willing to cut the other any slack when bragging rights, and being in the practice gym in skivvies, were on the line.

Now, Grayson was struggling to believe she could walk away.  He knew what she said.  That this was her decision, her time to leave on her own terms.  That her injury, her other ambitions and their relationship were enough to persuade her to leave competitive skiing behind.

And if she didn't, could he live with that?  As much as he wanted to believe he could, he honestly wasn't certain.  He hated her being away.  He was miserable without her, in the middle of what was supposed to be a season that he could enjoy.

Right now, he needed to get ready to play Wake Forest. He was feeling better, his shot was back. He'd have to deal with the rest later. But the niggling doubts were hard to ignore. He forced himself to put them aside and focus on the game.

January 24, 2018

Cait groaned slightly at the alarm on her phone but she woke herself up enough to grab her iPad and find the game.  Even though it was 3:00 a.m. in Switzerland, she was going to watch. 

She had an easy week, just a Super G event on Friday.  And a whole spa week around that.  She'd just arrived last night, but she was already feeling better than she had for a few weeks. 

She was planning to get some schoolwork done, get some skiing in and just relax.  The next month would be crazy and she needed the time to gather her strength to face it.

I'll Find Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें