It's Your Love

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Better than I was
More than I am
And all of this happened by taking your hand
Who I am now is who I wanted to be
And now that we're together, I'm stronger than ever
I'm happy and free
----It's Your Love, Tim McGraw ft. Faith Hill

November 16, 2017

"What do you think?" Grayson asked cautiously. 

"I don't know, baby," Cait sighed.  "You know my feelings about that particular media outlet."

"I know, and I share them," he returned.  "But maybe this is a chance for us to actually let people see us together and realize that this isn't some kind of cheap thrill ride that we're on."

The network broadcasting the PK80 tournament had asked for an interview with the two of them.   After Grayson's performance against Michigan State, they'd offered some lukewarm praise and they frankly wanted to promote the PK80. The interview would air on Thanksgiving Day.  Duke was leaving this one up to Grayson, but they were willing to have him sit for it if he wanted to.  And Cait's agent was on board. 

"We can't hold a grudge, Kitten," Grayson said softly.  "It just makes us look worse.  And most of America will be watching football or sleeping off their turkey dinner."

"This whole thing has just started to die down," she pointed out.  "Do we really want to stir it up again? And you hate doing any kind of media."

"That's gonna happen no matter what we do," Grayson sighed.  "Once we get to February, it's gonna start all over again.  Maybe this way, we at least get something out there ahead of that. And I managed ACC media day, so I can handle this. I'm getting better at it."

"Fine," Cait exhaled sharply.  "But so help me God, Gray, if they send Michelle Beadle, I'm gonna knock her out."

Grayson couldn't hold back a giggle at that one.  "As totally hot as it makes me when you get your claws out, Kitten, we're gonna be sweet and sappy in this interview, okay?"

"Okay, okay," she sighed. "But for the record, it's a bit irritating when you're determined to make me be a better person.  Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure thing."  Grayson was grinning now.  "What're you wearing?"
November 17, 2017

Grayson knew that the fact that Cait wasn't at the game had nothing to do with it. But he was off all night. Shots weren't falling, then he got smacked in the eye. And then tackled.

He was already still sore and tired from Michigan State. Now he felt bruised. And his wrist hurt. They pulled out a win but they played pretty awful. He felt responsible. Practice tomorrow was going to suck.

He had to keep himself from dwelling on it, from wallowing in it. That was what Cait said to him after the game. That he was entitled to a bad night. That he couldn't let himself get down. And he couldn't focus on the idiots on Twitter who thought that he faked the hit to the face.

That's what he would have done last year, she reminded him. That's not who he was. Not anymore.
November 20, 2017

Unfortunately, it didn't get any better against Furman. If anything, he played worse. His wrist was jammed and it hurt like hell, not to mention the fact that it affected his shot.

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