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Sorry but I got to be strong and leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I love you once
Needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
----Tattoo, Jordin Sparks

January 3, 2018

Grayson had really wanted to try to recreate some of their first date. Cait was leaving in two days and he was trying to spend as much time with her as he could. She had meetings with her advisor and her professors this week so he was still sure to spend time with his teammates and he tried not to resent it, but tonight he'd wanted to take her back to that trattoria and back to the Duke Chapel. He'd been intending to ring in the New Year sitting on that bench in the alcove, but that hadn't worked out, thanks to those same teammates.

He bought her calla lilies again, and initially bribed Justin and Javin to take care of the candles and the strawberries and the music.

Unfortunately, winter storm Grayson interfered with the plans of actual Grayson.  He wasn't willing to have the two of them out on icy or snowy roads, even though Cait told him he was being a wuss and that she'd certainly driven in worse weather.  But she was having a blast with the fact that the approaching winter storm was named Grayson, chuckling over a snow event sharing a name with the Florida boy who couldn't even make a decent snowball.

So instead, they had dinner in and curled up in front of the fireplace with the strawberries and the candles and the music.  They just laughed together and enjoyed being together.

"Y'know," Grayson finally sighed, "the guys really want a chance to see you before you leave. They've been whining all week. I don't think there's any way out of you spending some time with them."

"Tomorrow," she smiled at him. "We can have a team dinner."

"It's our last night before you leave." Grayson was whining now.

"So we'll have an early dinner and then kick them out," Cait smirked at him. "After the other day, I'm betting we can get rid of them."

Grayson rolled his eyes. When he'd arrived at practice the next day, he'd found that the freshmen had quizzed Justin about the significance of New Year's Day to his relationship with Cait, although Grayson's roommate didn't know too many details. And the freshies had apologized all over again for interrupting. Grayson told them that the fact that they'd brought real food and not the chicken nuggets and French fries he'd expected was apology enough, but that next time, they really ought to call first. Georgia winning the Rose Bowl and advancing to the National Championship probably helped him be tolerant of them.  But he had, without elaborating, told them that they were certainly not the first teammates to interrupt.

After dinner, he pulled her onto his lap and told her to pretend that they were on their bench outside the chapel, since fate was apparently determined to thwart his attempts to actually get her there.  He kissed her sweetly and softly again and told her that as much as he'd loved her a year ago, he loved her so much more now, more than he'd ever thought he could love someone. And Cait returned the sentiment, told him that she would always love him. But she felt a bit empty.

January 4, 2018

They survived the team dinner, thanks in large part to the fact that Grayson had told them that they weren't allowed to bring their Nerf guns. In fact, he'd told them that anyone who brought one wouldn't get fed. 

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