All I Have

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All I have is all I need
And it all comes down to you and me
How far away this world becomes
In the harbor of each other's arms

----All I Have, Beth Neilson Chapman

January 1, 2018

Grayson groaned as the alarm on his phone woke him. He was honestly more annoyed with his teammates now than he'd been the night before, because now he had to get out of this warm, comfortable bed with his beautiful girl stretched out beside him and go run their asses into the ground. This sucked.

Today was the one year anniversary of the day that he and Cait had finally gotten together. And he definitely had not been looking to spend this morning running and barking orders. Coach had given them the day off and he'd been planning on spending it with the amazing creature beside him. She was leaving soon and he'd wanted last night and today to be all about the two of them. But his dipshit teammates had interfered. If they thought Cait had ripped into them last night, they hadn't seen anything yet.

He pushed himself out of the bed, not disturbing Cait, and threw on some clothes. He left her sleeping. She needed her rest, especially since he hadn't exactly let her get much sleep once they got home. But he couldn't stop himself from gazing down at her for a minute. And when he did, his chest tightened.

She was his whole world. He'd known that he needed her but looking at her sleeping there, he knew that he would never be complete without her. He closed his eyes for a minute, swallowed hard. Wondered whether he'd ever, ever stop having new feelings for her. Over a year since he'd met her and she still made him experience things he'd never felt before.

But he needed to get moving and he grabbed some water and made his way out of the house and to the practice gym. On the drive over, he realized that they'd be expecting him to yell, so he decided on another tactic. His scowl when he walked in said plenty to the thirteen other players standing on the baseline.

"So," he started out quietly. "Most of you thought it would be a great idea to get so shitfaced drunk that Tone and J-Rob were worried you were gonna get arrested last night. Unfortunately, that means that we all have to suffer, because we're a team. Let's go." Grayson simply walked to join them and started running suicides. They all followed suit.

Antonio and Justin had followed his instructions from the night before and there were trash cans lined up along the court. And they got used. The freshmen in particular puked early and often. After a miserable hour for everyone, Grayson finally stopped them and made them huddle.

"Hopefully, we all learned a lesson today." His voice was still a normal tone. "I'm not opposed to you guys cutting up a little, but when you can't be trusted to be safe about it, that has the potential to affect all of us, to impact the team. And you guys," he pointed to the upperclassmen, "you're supposed to be the responsible ones. You left Tone and J-Rob in a bad spot last night. Hopefully, running will make you guys smarter."

"G," Javin started, "we're really sorry . . ."

"Save it," Grayson snapped. "I don't want your apologies."

"It won't happen again," Jack said.

"It won't," Marvin echoed. The rest joined in.

"G," Gary started, "I think I speak for everyone when I say that the worst part of this is the fact that we let you down. You didn't deserve to have to deal with us last night or this morning."

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